
Forget that Giuliani's record on the issues that matter most-- at least ostensibly-- to Republicans is out of sync with what these people believe. Because there really is something that overrides all that choice stuff and gay stuff and family values and all that, even the gun stuff. Because in the end people identify with right wing parties-- whether the Conservative Party, the Nazi Party, any fascist party, or the Republican Party-- are looking for... Daddy. They desperately crave an authority-- or authoritarian-- figure who will tell everybody what to do and make everything orderly. It's the easy way out for people who are lazy, fearful and who know, down deep, that they are in all ways inferior to what they imagine is... out there.
McCain is trying but he's so confused and senile that he can't pull it off anymore. And no matter what kind of image Romney's million dollar spin doctors have manufactured for him, he still comes off as a flippity floppity mess and an effete crybaby and varmint hunter who's going to blame his inevitable loss on Republicans' anti-Mormon bigotry. Easy to buy-off right wing propagandists can talk all they want about his broad shoulders and square chin and his nice sense of humor; he's still just a rich guy with no moral compass trying to claw his way to power.
Now Rudy, on the other hand, this is the scumbag Republicans crave-- and deserve. Former Republican governor of New Jersey and head of Bush's EPA at the time of 9/11, Christie Todd Whitman, doesn't paint a picture that normal Americans want to look at-- regardless of what Republican lemmings demand. Yesterday's NY Daily News published a report claiming she knew and insisted that it was crucial for Ground Zero workers-- many of whom have now comes down to debilitating and fatal respiratory diseases-- to wear respirators. Giuliani blocked her efforts.
She also said city officials didn't want EPA workers wearing haz-mat suits because they "didn't want this image of a city falling apart."
In an interview scheduled to run the day before Whitman testifies in front of Congress on Monday, she told WNBC-TV she warned the city of the risks almost every day.
And she said she believes illnesses killing first responders can be blamed on the city's lack of action.
Above I referred to Rudy McRomney as the only (dismal) choice Republicans have. There is another. Although Jack Abramoff is still in prison, another slick'n'sleazy multimillionaire Republican lobbyist wants to be president: Fred Thompson. He's the one no one knows much about other than that he's a TV actor who plays a law and order role on the small screen. Today's Moonie Times takes a look at his conservative credentials-- and shows he comes up lacking. All the other candidates with legislative records-- except Ron Paul-- come up more conservative than Fred .
Labels: Fred Thompson, Mormons, Republican presidential race, Rudy Giuliani
Another quality that makes him perfect is his meanness. I could see Rudy laughing like W did over Karla Fay Faye Tucker's request not to be executed. And this appeals to Republicans. Mean Daddy. Go figure.
On an unrelated an unimportant note--well, important for me. I keep on getting these grey squares on the screen when I go to DWT that block a lot of text. Doesn't happen with any other site. What's that about?
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