Monday, May 14, 2007



Oh, so it looks like the Republicans are making an all-out effort to come off tough on "voter fraud," not the kind that hands a Bush two elections he didn't win but some other version, like what most people called "registering poor people to vote." Nothing enrages a Republican more than when working class folks want to vote. Oh, it pisses them off no end; and they call it "voter fraud." According to today's Washington Post that's the reason many of the U.S. Attorneys were fired. "Nearly half the U.S. attorneys slated for removal by the administration last year were targets of Republican complaints that they were lax on voter fraud, including efforts by presidential adviser Karl Rove to encourage more prosecutions of election- law violations, according to new documents and interviews."

Now the U.S. attorney cases I've been following are the ones where U.S. attorneys have been fired because either were investigating Republican officials-- like Jerry Lewis, John Doolittle and Duncan Hunter-- for criminal activities or because they hadn't been filing fake charges against Democrats. But in their story today Dan Eggan and Amy Goldstein point out that "of the 12 U.S. attorneys known to have been dismissed or considered for removal last year, five were identified by Rove or other administration officials as working in districts that were trouble spots for voter fraud-- Kansas City, MO; Milwaukee; New Mexico; Nevada and Washington State. Four of the five prosecutions in those districts were dismissed."

So why don't they send Katherine Harris and Ken Blackwell to Gitmo for some waterboarding to get all the details of the two biggest voter frauds in history? Or if that's asking too much, how about the case of loony little Republican Congressman Patrick McHenry (NC) who had a houseful of young men "bunking" in his home and voting in multiple locations. And then there's the mysterious case of GOP kingpin Ann Coulter being caught voting fraudulently and then having sex with some FBI agent to get her off the hook.

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At 2:40 PM, Blogger Oilfieldguy said...

Oh my Howie, you are so confused. Language is like that sometimes, different things mean different things to different people.

"Voter fraud" pertains to the widespread rampant practice involving legions of highly talented people with the highly crafted skill of reading upside down. It is so rampant and pervasive that this administration has made it a "high priority" and have identified 20 cases in six years.

"Election fraud" which includes the privatizing the means for which citizens elect their representatives with vote flipping software, insufficient voting machines in unfriendly districts, and the purge of voter rolls.

The difference is huge. People know there is a problem, and every time the Republicans stand against "voter fraud" they obscure and cloud the real problem, which is wholesale election fraud.


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