
Trial balloons having been duly launched by Regime lackeys John McCain and Joe Lieberman-- forget that they were almost universally shot down and that even Bob Novak counts only 12 Republican senators (+ one quasi-Republican from Connecticut) who support "surge"-- Bush is preparing to announce his new Iraq strategy: escalation of the war. According to the BBC, Bush plans to send more U.S. troops to Iraq not to train an Iraqi Army but to destroy Sadr's Mehdi Army.
Today's New York Times recalls that Bush had started 2006 assuring Americans that he had "a strategy for victory in Iraq. He ended the year closeted with his war cabinet on his ranch trying to devise a new strategy, because the existing one had collapsed." They seem to be trying to get the ball rolling that the original plan wasn't aggressive enough and that now they have to get tough. American military forces will start the New Year launching an "offensive against Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr's Mehdi Army militia, blamed for sectarian death squad killings." This could be a little awkward because al-Sadr is the mainstay that keeps Bush's puppet regime of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in office.
"'There will be limited and targeted operations against members of the Mehdi Army,' a senior Shi'ite official told Reuters. 'The ground is full of surprises but we think around Jan. 5 there will be some operations. I can say no more'... 'The Americans want a war with the Mehdi Army,' said a Western diplomat in Baghdad... 'They want to get rid of the militia and it seems they will succeed in getting one.'" Chuck Hagel (R-NE) described the situation Bush has led the country into as straight out of Alice in Wonderland.
Anyway, anyone wondering where Bush plans to find extra soldiers to fight his phantasmagoric and unpopular wars need look no further than to an op-ed in the New York Times today by John M. Shalikashvili, a retired army general, who was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1993 to 1997. Shalikashvili thinks America is ready for a gay and lesbian army. Is that irony or what?
There's all sorts of buzz now that Bush is planning to
Great post! I was totally waiting for someone to write this.
Interesting timing on that NYT op-ed.
Here's one piece of the administration's Iraq puzzle that I had missed.
I try to keep an eye ouf for the national-security bloggifying of William M. Arkin in his washingtonpost.com blog, "Early Warning." I don't really trust him or his conclusions, but he clearly knows SOMETHING about the subject, as well as knowing some PEOPLE who know things.
Lately I had stopped checking, though, figuring he was still off in the wild blue yonder doing whatever he'd been doing since, I don't know, November something? (He was probably off somewhere sniffing flowers. A real touchy-feely type is our Bill.) Today I noticed that he had new posts, though this one about Defense Sec'y Gates's whirlwind trip to Baghdad in fact dates back to Dec. 22.
It seems at first as if Arkin is primarily having a hissy fit over Sec'y Gates shuffling off for a quick Green Zone photo op and then hightailing it back--thereby "diss[ing] the troops, and the American people" because HE DIDN'T STAY AN EXTRA COUPLE OF DAYS TO FEED CHRISTMAS TURKEY TO THE TROOPS.
The scumbag! String the son of a bitch up! Man, dissin' our troops? Who does he think he is, John Kerry? (And while we're at it, string HIM up too!)
But then Arkin veers into something genuinely important. Gates, of course, was a member of the Iraq Study Group. Now, after his exhaustive tour of Iraq, he apparently has a whole new perspective:
But Gates did say one really interesting thing about his observations upon meeting with U.S. commanders and after meetings with the Iraqi Prime Minister and Minister of Defense in the Green Zone and at the airport:
"I think perhaps the Study Group was here a short enough time that perhaps we didn't have the opportunity to explore in the kind of depth I have today with Iraqi officials, so it may have just been my misinterpretation from early September. But what struck me today was the amount of planning, the amount of thinking, the amount of coordination that had gone on on the Iraqi side in terms of how they intend to move forward, and also their thinking in terms of the role that we can play, so I think that it's that change that I noticed."
Thinking strategically, what is Gates saying?
He is paving the way for the President to say in January that the Iraq Study Group didn't have a complete understanding of the Iraqi situation and that they did not fully understand both the commitment of the Iraqi government to create security and the progress they are making. . . .
"Surge or no surge," Arkin writes, "it is now clear that Gates has already made up his mind: we cannot withdraw. Not when the Iraqis are doing so well!"
I think Arkin called this one back on Dec. 22: The fix is in. The ISG was WRONG!!!
Surge, brothers and sisters, surge!
What is sad is that General changed his view for the worst of reasons. He wants more cannon fodder. Have you noticed. We are on our way to becoming the Roman Empire. Pretty f--king sad !!
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