Wednesday, November 08, 2006



I want to get this up fast. I'm about to get on a call with the next Speaker of the House. This is good for her, good for Pennsylvania and good for America. Rubber stamp Republican Mike Fitzpatrick just conceded.

I'll let you know what Nancy has to say after the call.


At 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good, Howie. I am listening and thinking a lot about where we go from here. This was a stunning victory for Dems.

I hope your arm is long enough to pat yourself on the back. You deserve praise and adulation for your tireless efforts to support populist candidates. And, for your continued oversight of the Democratic Party machine in DC.

This is a great opportunity for populist Dems to continue to work toward real government for and by the people.

We will keep up the fight.

At 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another comment as well. Rahm Emmanuel needs to understand that it is the alternative media, the blogs and the liberal radio that pressed the people onward.

If he needs to ask the question, the answer is YES, this is a populist movement more than it is a Democrat one.


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