Monday, October 16, 2006

Poor Chimpy! He finds everything "unacceptable" now! But after six years of his regime's ignorance, incompetence and corruption, what did he expect?


"The notion that President Bush is not just in denial," writes Dan Froomkin in his "White House Briefing," "but is petulantly in denial, is taking on greater credence thanks to two recent Washington Post stories."

One is the piece we flagged for yesterday's Quote of the Day, about the seemingly impervious-to-reality confidence of the president and his fella Karl Rove regarding 2006 Republican congressional election prospects, which has astonished most of the rest of their party.

The other is a Friday piece in which R. Jeffrey Smith, with research assistance from Lucy Shackelford, noted that "President Bush finds the world around him increasingly 'unacceptable'":

In speeches, statements and news conferences this year, the president has repeatedly declared a range of problems "unacceptable," including rising health costs, immigrants who live outside the law, North Korea's claimed nuclear test, genocide in Sudan and Iran's nuclear ambitions.

Bush's decision to lay down blunt new markers about the things he deems intolerable comes at an odd time, a phase of his presidency in which all manner of circumstances are not bending to his will: national security setbacks in North Korea and Iraq, a Congress that has shrugged its shoulders at his top domestic initiatives, a favorability rating mired below 40 percent. . . .

Having a president call something "unacceptable" is not the same as having him order U.S. troops into action. But foreign policy experts say the word is one of the strongest any leader can deploy, since it both broadcasts a national position and conveys an implicit threat to take action if his warnings are disregarded. . . .

Froomkin adds:

All of this reminded one faithful reader of my column of that running joke in the movie The Princess Bride, where the evil Vizzini, played by Wallace Shawn, repeatedly splutters "inconceivable!" in the fact of the implacable advance of the Dread Pirate Roberts. Eventually, Mandy Patinkin as Inigo Montoya tells him: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."


At 2:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you find it just a little creepy how "confident" Bush et al. are with respect to the midterms? I don't know precisely how to read this seeming overconfidence, but the cynic in me would say that the White House knows something that the rest of us do not know...

At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is he going to do when James Baker comes back with an analysis that makes him look like the monkey he is?

I am baffled. Unless the family is in there to pull the plug and ease the fall, I have no idea. Maybe George needs a good excuse to change direction and save face, but I hardly think that is the way to work it.

At 7:22 PM, Blogger Timcanhear said...

Others who may have been in complete denial include:

1. O.J.
2. Delay
3. Lieberman
4. Reagan
5. Adolf what's his name
6. Nixon
7. The Rolling Stones
8. Ken Lay
9. conservative voters
10.John Boehner
11.The coyote
and ....


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