
If you've been listening to Air America lately you've no doubt heard some of the Take Back Congress ads. These very effective 60 second spots are part of a campaign that enumerates the 50 reasons to elect a Democratic House and a Democratic Senate. And the reasons are great; take a look or have a listen. Problem is, there are only 38 reasons, not 50. Can you help them write a dozen more ads why Democrats should be running the House and Senate instead of the Republican rubber stamp brigade?
I just got off the phone with Richard Greene, the mastermind behind this effort and he told me that over 1,000 Air America listeners have already responded to the campaign by donating $60,000 to 7 candidates. He just added Victoria Wulsin, the Ohio grassroots progressive on the verge of expelling the hideously reactionary Mean Jean Schmidt from the Congress and I urged him to put Coleen Rowley (just endorsed by the Minneapolis Star Tribune today) on the list too. Blue America candidate John Laesch is already kicking ass, with 750 donations for around $10,000.
Today Richard is rallying Democrats, progressives, independents and anyone else tired of a one-party rubber stamp Congress to show the far right establishment and their unspeakable talk show hosts and propaganda machine how strong the Air America/netroots community is. He's asking for $10 donations that span the whole spectrum of Democratic challengers, from Tennessee conservative Democrat Harold Ford, who may do little more for us than vote with Team Blue to make Harry Reid Majority Leader, to mainstream moderates like Claire McCaskill of Missouri and James Webb of Virginia, to actual progressives looking to help shape genuine systemic change, like Victoria Wulsin, John Laesch and Clint Curtis.
If you come up with another idea for one of the 50 reasons, please send it to downwithtyranny@aol.com/ If Richard uses your suggestion not only will you have struck a blow for a better America, you'll get a great gift-- an advance promotional DVD of the film Al Franken: God Spoke, autographed by Al (and not yet available in stores) and an autographed copy of Al's latest book, The Truth-- With Jokes
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