Thursday, August 17, 2006



It will comes as no surprise to any DWT reader that the NRSC is pumping for Lieberman. Lieberman has consistently, if sometimes surreptitiously, supported the Bush/Corporate agenda. When Bush and the GOP have needed him-- whether to support the war and occupation in Iraq, to make sure the most reactionary judges ever nominated to the courts have been confirmed or, more importantly, to confuse voters about the differences between Democrats and Republicans and to give the GOP a thin patina of bipartisanship for their most outrageous and extremist proposals-- Lieberman is always, always, always there for them. And always there for Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly and that ilk to tear down Democratic leaders or mock core Democratic principles and values. Lieberman has been the worst Benedict Arnold inside the bosom of the Democratic Party-- far worse even, at least before his mental breakdown, than Zell Miller or Ben Nelson.

So it was no small amount of joy this morning that I read how the just-released Quinnipiac poll shows Ned Lamont gaining significant support among Democrats and independents in Connecticut. And although Lieberman's support among Republicans is still very strong, his Democratic base is eroding rapidly. Since the last poll Ned has picked up 26 points among Democrats-- a startlingly high number-- and 10 points among independents. Lieberman has lost more and more Democratic support and picked up more and more Republican support.

Overall, Lieberman is still ahead but momentum is evening the playing field rapidly and if Republican voters are not motivated to turn out... well, Joe might as well take whatever job the Bush Regime has offered him. Joe was completely washed up in Connecticut without the boost he got from Bill Clinton. Now that Clinton is backing-- and soon campaigning for-- Lamont, the last vestiges of people being able to call Lieberman a "Democrat" are dissipating.

My biggest fear is that by winding up a big Republican GOTV effort in November, the always selfish, always egomaniacal Lieberman will cause the defeat of the 3 Democratic congressional challengers whose victories are essential for a Democratic take-over of the House. Of course, a Democratic take-over of the House, which would put a serious check on the powers Bush has accumulated with the disgraceful acquiescence of rubber stamp Republicans (plus Lieberman and the kinds of fake-Democratic solons who support him), is the last thing in the world Bush or Lieberman want. So there he is... doing his dirty job for the GOP, just like he always does.


Biden is full of shit; always has been and always will be. He defines pathetic, professing to "support" the party nominee in Connecticut but praising his ideological turdmate, a corporate Republicrat like himself, Lieberman. Meanwhile, a real Democrat with genuine concerns for the interests of working men and women, John Edwards showed up in Connecticut today and proudly campaigned with Ned. Actions speak loud and memories are long these days.


At 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a lawyer, but I wonder if Lieberman running as the defacto GOP candidate w/ GOP funding and the endorsement of all of the national GOP leadership could be challenged in Court. After all, he must have had this all in the works for months--if he wants to be a Republican, should he have registered to run in the Republican primary? Didn't he consciously deceive the CT electorate?

Since he was planning to run as a republican (and I'll bet there's documentation somewhere to prove it) didn't he illegally use DNC resources during the Democratic primary?

At 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a lawyer, but I wonder if Lieberman running as the defacto GOP candidate w/ GOP funding and the endorsement of all of the national GOP leadership could be challenged in Court. After all, he must have had this all in the works for months--if he wants to be a Republican, should he have registered to run in the Republican primary? Didn't he consciously deceive the CT electorate?

Since he was planning to run as a republican (and I'll bet there's documentation somewhere to prove it) didn't he illegally use DNC resources during the Democratic primary?


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