Thursday, May 18, 2006



I was getting dressed this afternoon after a swim and CNN was on the TV. Jack Cafferty popped up and... wow! Did he ever lay into Arlen Specter, Bill Frist and the Republicans! It was amazing. So I said to myself, "Self, you think John caught it over at CROOKS & LIARS?" I just checked. HE DID!!! Watch the video on the link. Here's the transcript:

Jack Cafferty: Wolf, Today's lesson in hypocrisy comes to us courtesy of the Senate Judiciary Committee. They met in a different private room behind closed doors today and approved a Constitutional Amendment banning gay marriage. at one point the thing got pretty ugly. A shouting match, between the Republican Chairman Senator Arlen Spector and Democratic Senator Russ Feingold, who said he was against the Amendment as well as Spector's decision to hold the vote in a private room out of the public's view.
These guys are shameless. Feingold eventually stormed out telling Spector "I've enjoyed your lecture Mr Chairman. See ya."

Senator Spector in a real show of courage, says that he is "totally opposed to the Amendment", but he voted for it anyway saying that it deserves a debate in the Senate. Majority Leader Bill Frist says the full Senate will now debate a Constitutional Amendment which has absolutely no chance of passing. Frist hopes to have a vote by June 5th.

This is all being done by the republican majority in an effort to appeal to Right-wing nuts in the Republican Party ahead of the upcoming mid-term elections. Ignore all of the pressing issues facing the country, and instead go grovel at the feet of the lunatic fringe. Senator Frist should be very proud of himself. That's leadership.  Here's the question: Is now the time for the Senate to consider a constitutional Amendment on gay marriage?"
The Republicans show their cowardice once again by hiding in a private room. Good for Feingold. Frist and the word "leadership" in the same sentence is scary. Lunatic fringe sounds about right to me. This should be called the "James Dobson" amendment.


At 6:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be wary of Cafferty. I know you are not a regular viewer of CNN...but prior to the 2004 presidential election, when Bush and his Rubber Stamp were enjoying war-time, Mission Accomplshed approval ratings, Cafferty definitley played the Right-Wing foil to Zahn\Obrien and Hemmer's middle of the road\left part on the Morning Show.

I'm sure it was an easy stand for him to make then, just as it is easy for him to be pounding on lame ducks now. He is just a surfer riding the easy waves, and making sure he has a job.

Message good, messenger cheesy.

At 6:55 AM, Blogger Paul said...

I've been reviewing the "Contract with America" the past few days which by the way should have been called the "Contract ON America" and there on line 6 is this beauty.......
"SIXTH, require committee meetings to be open to the public;"

I think the dems should hammer them over the "contract" and point out how it's been broken and most of the architects of it are either disgraced or in jail!
They had their chance, and look what they've done with it!

At 8:51 AM, Blogger KenInNY said...

Great point, Paul! Thanks for digging out that little nugget from ol' Newt's contract.

And "anonymous" is also right to point out Jack Cafferty's history. Myself, I was stunned to see that such stuff was coming out of his mouth.

But the point isn't that J.C. is a hero. It's that now it is apparently time for someone who's that well tuned to what's currently acceptable to come out gunning for the congressional GOP.

I still think that J.C. may be slightly ahead of the wave, actually. Reading that transcript, I can't help wondering if any CNN execs were treated for suspected heart attacks in the wake of these comments.


At 9:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watched the Cafferty show today and I could not believe my eyes!! CNN actually telling the truth!?! On issues that make the current administration look bad? I figured that they must have been taken over by Al-Jazeera......or their CEOs and shareholders got together and decided that Dubya and his cronies have a shelf life of less than mayo on a radiator....later righties.....


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