
Wednesday there was a mini-revolt among the most docile and spineless Senate in contemporary American history. As revolts go, it wasn't really much of one. But for pathetic, rubber-stamp Republicans, especially the galoots up for re-election and desperate to show they are not what they are (rubber-stamp Republicans), it was wild and crazy.
Pouting and whiny, Bush threatened (zzzzzzzzzzzz...) to veto a pork-laden emergency spending bill unless the Republicans take out some of the excess pork. (Note: Bush, who threatens more than any president ever, has not even one time vetoed anything, making him clearly responsible-- along with his rubber-stamp Congress-- for the worst fiscal situation in American history and, obviously, the worst deficits. The senators laughed in his face and told him, basically, to "bring it on." They passed the horrendous bill by a veto-proof margin.
It was also a rejection by rank and file GOP senators of Bill Frist, the despised Majority Leader who most feel was foisted on them by Karl Rove. A complete Bush puppet and self-server who is not seeking re-election so he can pursue a now-farcical run for the White House in 2008, Frist is more likely to end up in the Big House than the White House. The man back-stabbed by Frist and Bush and pushed out of the majority Leader job when the mask he shares with nearly all Republican senators-- KKK-symp-- slipped off when he was boozed up at a public event honoring racist colleague Strom Thurmond, lead the way in humiliating Bush this weak.

"I might be humiliated by my constituents," taunted Trent Lott, keenly aware that 53% of his constituents do not approve of the job Bush has done, "but not the president." The bill's biggest hunk of pork is a railroad rebuilding project for a privately-owned railroad in Mississippi which is being pushed by Lott and the equally corrupt and slimy Thad Cochran. "The very idea," continued Lott with visible disdain for the mentally challenged leader of his party, "that presidents, Republican or Democrat, have the only say over what is in a budget, is outrageous." Perhaps chiding Bush for how he came to power, Lott continued, "I got elected. I was here when Bush got here, and I'll probably be here when he's gone." He called Bush's veto threat "totally irrelevant... He's probably under pressure to veto something. Thank you for your input, Mr. President."
Despite Frist's best efforts to support Bush's position, the bill passed 72-26 in the Republican-dominated Senate. About half the Republicans voted against Bush's position, many hoping they could use this to prove to skeptical voters with long memories that they are not Bush rubber-stampers.
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