
Yesterday I mentioned how Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has finally gotten around to introducing a resolution requiring an ethics investigation of the members of Congress who have been implicated in the Abramoff bribe scandals. The same congressmen who refused to allow an investigation of Randy "Duke" Cunningham who later admitted taking bribes and kickbacks to the tune of several million dollars in return for sweetheart contracts for Republican defense contractors (and who has been suspected of also selling secret intelligence information) got to vote on Pelosi's resolution. Would you like to take a guess how they voted? The vote was whether of not to table (kill) the resolution, so a "yes" vote means no investigation. Before I tell you the outcome, let me tell you how the Congressmen who have been most involved with Abramoff's illegal wheeling and dealing voted. This is a list of the most likely Republicans to face trials and prison sentences:
Tom DeLay (R-TX) voted Yes, to kill the investigation,
Bob Ney (R-OH) voted Yes, to kill the investigation,
John Doolittle (R-CA) voted Yes, to kill the investigation,
Don Young (R-AK) voted Yes, to kill the investigation,
Richard Pombo (R-CA) voted Yes, to kill the investigation,
J.D. Hayworth (R-AZ) voted Yes, to kill the investigation,
Tom Feeney (R-FL) voted Yes, to kill the investigation,
Roy Blunt (R-MO) voted Yes, to kill the investigation,
Eric Cantor (R-VA) voted Yes, to kill the investigation,
Dennis Hastert (R-IL) voted Yes, to kill the investigation,
Ernest Istook (R-OK) voted Yes, to kill the investigation, and
Pete Sessions (R-TX) voted Yes, to kill the investigation. None of these crooked solons thought that since the resolution was actually about them, they should recuse themselves. They were joined by every Republican member of the House of Representatives except 6 to kill the resolution. It failed 216 to 193. No investigation of the most corrupt Congress in the history of our nation.
Labels: Abramoff, congressional ethics, Culture of Corruption
What I want to know is why every congresscrook who voted "yes" isn't going to have this fact trumpeted in his/her district every second of every day between now and election day.
Er, Rahm, we know your DCCC has nothing to do with the selection of Democratic congressional candidates, but mightn't this as a matter of election campaign tactics fall within your purview?
The word is "solon", not "salon" - an archaic reference to Senator,
And all of 2 democrats appeared on the floor yesterday to determine if monkey boy should be censured.
The boy who cried wolf in Iraq has no credibility to lead this great nation and the dems are getting dangerously close to irrelevancy.
Bill Moyers had a great show on PBS about the whole scandle.
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