Thursday, January 05, 2006

"Building Better Conventional Wisdom" through the Doonesbury Media Center's weekly Straw Poll


Want to make your voice heard? In a way that will make absolutely no difference? Then, friend, you should consider taking part in the Doonesbury Straw Poll. What the heck? It's free!

(And while you're on the website, you can check "The Daily Dose" to see how one of my personal heroes, eternal surfer dude though retired tanning champion Zonker Harris, pictured here, is managing with his enrollment at online Trump U, where he's "thinking of signing up for Wealth Creation, one of their most popular learning products and attractively priced at $396"—though the actual work will have to wait till he rushes a fraternity.)

"We don't have a watercooler," the Doonebury Media Center explains, "but we do have a statistically meaningless weekly Straw Poll. Help us shape a sense of the Site on vital and semi-vital topics of the day. You're here, so you might as well vote. Don't let others define you."

Be warned that this isn't one of those easy, just-state-my-bias kind of polls. Frankly, I'm really torn, and in fact as of this writing still haven't cast my vote. (If you want to let us know via a comment how you voted, we can keep a running "offshore" tally—sort of our own poll-exit-vote poll, to measure against the official results to see if maybe a "Diebold fix" is in.)

By way of a preview, here's what you'll find when you click onto the poll:

Whenever President Bush defends a policy, he always sets up a straw man as the alternative, as if there were only two possible options.

What has been your favorite false choice?

(A) Launching a bold, history-changing, preemptive strike against Iraq vs. waiting until a mushroom cloud appears over America.

(B) Decisively defeating the terrorists in Iraq vs. having to fight them in our own country.

(C) Persevering in Iraq until victory is achieved vs. a sniveling, cowardly, white-flag surrender.

Stance on Iraq

(A) Imperialist, (B) Defeatist, (C) Equivocatist


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