
Thursday, July 02, 2020

Who's Less Unfit To Be President? What A Terrible Way To Decide How To Cast Your Ballot--Shouldn't We Have A Neither Of The Above Option?

Normally, sitting presidents are reelected and one of the reasons is that voters view them as being experienced and prepared for the difficult job. Hilariously, a new poll published by USA Today shows that only 37% of voters say Trump "has the right experience to be president" while 67% say that Biden does.

All cycle long I've been warning that if Biden becomes the Democratic nominee-- and that, unfortunately for the country, looks like a fait accompli-- instead of a debate about ideas, voters would have to face a debate about whose family was more repulsive, about which candidate is more corrupt, about which candidate lies more and about which candidate is more senile. Both have disgusting families; both are corrupt and compulsive liars and each is way too senile and brain-impaired to be president. Well... the senility thing is starting to become a mainstream media thing.

Axios's Margaret Talev reputed that "Senility is becoming an overt line of attack for the first time in a modern U.S. presidential campaign. As Americans live longer and work later into life and there's more awareness about the science of aging, we're also seeing politicians test the boundaries of electability. Biden is 77; Trump, now 74, already is the oldest person to assume the U.S. presidency."

Trump, who has been increasingly mentally incapacitated in the last couple of years is ramping up his projections that Biden is also senile (which he appears to be). Now Biden is using the same line of attack against Trump, asserting that Trump "doesn’t seem to be cognitively aware of what’s going on" with his own briefings about Russia and U.S. service members. Inserting the word "cognitively" wasn't gratuitous by Biden's speech-writer. It implies that Trump is undergoing mental deterioration (which he is).

"At the same news conference where he took a swipe at Trump," Talev wrote, "Biden was asked by a reporter if he has been tested for cognitive decline. 'I've been tested and I'm constantly tested,' Biden responded, adding that 'I can hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I'm running against.' A Trump campaign Twitter feed played back the clip and asked, 'Did Biden take a cognitive test? What were the results? Why is he getting frequently tested?' Biden campaign advisers tell Axios' Alexi McCammond and Hans Nichols that the testing Biden was talking about is the past 15 months on the campaign trail and that they see Trump's attacks, in psychological terms, as 'projection.' They also said Biden wasn't previewing a new theme, just highlighting Trump's attempt to distract from his own vulnerabilities."

Historian Julian Zelizer told Zalev that she "thinks the Trump 'presidency has shown us that somebody's mental state really matters. 'With each of these candidates, the question has been raised-- Trump because of everything he's said and done' and remarks that often are 'just a mishmash of words. Biden, there's questions, more subtle I think, about he doesn't finish every sentence, or during the debates he'd pause and seem to have trouble thinking about what he wants to say. Those are the moments that then become questions.'... Though they have different personalities, both Trump and Biden are known for speaking off the cuff, opening themselves to verbal gaffes and criticisms of rambling."

So why are 40% of Americans still supporting Trump? Robert Reich had a good answer yesterday:


  1. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Considering that too many still back Trump, and that too many accept the blatant manipulation of the primary by the "Democrats" to put Joe Biden up as their nominee, only shows that senility isn't exclusively an affliction of the elderly.

  2. Anonymous6:39 AM

    the sheepdog is not barking here. it is whining. how long will that last?

    But why even bitch about all this who is worser or less worser? voters have demanded that this time, we absolutely need to pick from between two dotards (being kind here), two positively despicable families, two lifelong racists... but does not seem to notice that they are also affirming between two utterly corrupt parties.

    not only should neither of these motherfuckers be running... neither of their parties are deserving of their existence either.

    so... all this just proves my thesis again and still... americans are the dumbest collection of potted plants and evil Nazis in the history of the known universe.

    given that fact, it's a fucking miracle that we're even having an election after 5 decades of this shit.

    that's not a reason to celebrate. It should be a call to action no less urgent than George Floyd's lynching.

    I guess when we lynch ourselves, things look different.
