
Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah

Two things we can conjecture about the White House staffers depicted in the above cartoon: 1) Someone or someones did their job and informed the president, indicating that there is at least one person with access to Trump that still has at least an ounce of patriotism left. 2) That someone or someones will soon be quietly fired, or worse.

As for the president, he probably already knew what they told him and we already knew that he is owned and operated by Vladimir Putin. There is no other explanation for his continued silence and lack of response. Meanwhile, it's important to note that the perfectly named Moscow Mitch has kept himself and his fellow ruble-bought and sold $enators quiet about the whole damn thing. That speaks volumes about the treachery and treason that is thriving in Washington. How much you wanna bet that Moscow Mitch keeps a little Russian flag in his desk and takes it out to wave whenever he's by himself or on a Zoom call with Trump?


  1. Anonymous5:33 AM

    While Mitch the Bitch does nothing about any Russian influence over Trump, he himself is owned by Taiwan through his in laws. It's an easy Google search to find answers.

  2. Ida Jurie7:45 AM

    5:33, DWT covered that years ago and has since. I'm sure they will again. They've even covered the sources of his beard's family wealth.
