
Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah

President Chimp On Crack continues to want us to not fear COVID-19 at all. Today, I even got a form email from one of his idiot sons telling me how if I contribute some money I can get VIP treatment in Florida during the Republican Party's Jacksonville Goon-Fest in August. Keep in mind that I have no idea why anyone would ever want to go to Florida at anytime, but hang out with a bunch of white supremacy Q-Anon conspiracy freaks in a place that is reporting over 10,000 new cases of COVID-19 per day? Nope! I don't think so.

Now I know that large sans mask virus-spreading events are Traitor Don's specialty, but I wouldn't go to Jacksonville even if they gave me the Bleach-In-A-Cup concession. In some places in this country now, we'd be safer if we attempted to play frogger by hopping across an Interstate Highway while blindfolded. But that's Trump. He'd enjoy watching, just as he can't wait to see who loves him so much that they'll risk their life just to cheer him. That all goes hand in hand with his talking down testing for the virus. In his sick mind, the more cases the better; just don't call the results what they are. That would be bad for something he cares mightily about, his numbers.

What Trump does want us to fear, of course, is each other. He just devoted not one but two speeches this weekend to fearing "the other;" a fine way to celebrate July 4th, a very fine way. As Traitor Don channelled Hitler on the White House lawn nearly word for word, he especially emphasized eliminating "the radical left, the marxists, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters...", He was stoking the fearing of "The Other." In other words, fear "The Brown!" And "The Black." Definitely "The Black." Fear of a Black Planet! He especially moaned about his disappearing beloved monuments to slavery and white supremacy. Oh, and did I mention "The Chinese?" Yeah, when Jacksonville comes, he'll be leading a Kung Flu cheer every night. Expect Kayleigh McEnany to do something tasteless and racist involving her fingers and her eyes, too. When republicans gather in groups, it's always check your sanity at the door, as if anyone who wanted to go would have an ounce of sanity to begin with. Too late to test for that. The craziest of them all infests the oval office and no one wants to admit just how maximum crazy he is or do anything to stop it. His own party embraces him like a messiah while he fantasizes himself as the fifth head on Mt. Rushmore, bigger, of course.

That all leads me back to tonight's meme and the issue of testing for things. Tonight's meme is pure Republican logic. If you don't test for pregnancy... well, you won't be pregnant. Health and responsibility out the window! Problem solved. Who needs a crib? Who needs an abortion? No test. No fetus. No fetus. No baby! Life is so simple in MAGA world. Just ask that nurse. See where it says MAGA Nurse on her uniform? Cure for cancer? No problem. Just don't look for it! What other possible problems can be made to go away if we just stop testing? Drunk driving? Stop pulling those drunks over? No more breathalyzer tests! Those drunks are exercising their rights! Who cares if anybody dies? Now, THAT'S the Republican Spirit! We didn't test Trump for sanity, therefore he's sane, right?

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