
Friday, July 03, 2020

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah
The president does read and he also consumes intelligence verbally. This president, I'll tell you, is the most informed person on planet Earth.

- White House Press Secretary Kayleigh "Baghdad Barbie" McEnany
Imagine if JFK had told Nikita Khrushchev that he was fine, very fine, with the Russian missiles being installed in Cuba back in '62. Suppose JFK had a cozy relationship with Khrushchev at the same time. Imagine if JFK had done nothing. You might not be reading this. I might not be writing this. You might not have even been born.

Here we are, 4th of July weekend 58 years later, and this time we have a traitor for a president, not that it's any surprise. Anyone with eyes, ears, and a functioning brain could see that back in 2016; Russia if you're listening and all that. Who's your daddy, Donnie? Who's your Daddy? 62,000,000 people who call themselves Americans had no problem with any of it, just like they had no problem with so much else. Don't expect people like that to change come November.

The waves of denials and made up stories from the West Wing of The Kremlin at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue just keep on coming and each one, in turn, gets destroyed and buried by the subsequent disclosures from reporters, investigators, and, most important of all, true patriots working in our government who know a clear and present danger when they see it. Bounty stories? What bounty stories? First Traitor Don said "no one told me." He didn't know just like he didn't know he was tweeting a White Power video to the world on the same weekend.

Then it was revealed that the White House knew 3 months ago. And then it was 1 whole year before that! Then we heard that National Security Advisor John Bolton didn't tell Traitor Don and next we heard that several of those near Bolton say Bolton did tell him of the threat; the threat Secretary of State Mike Pompeo now claims is "nothing new" to anyone. Nothing new? How about that we have a president that does whatever the head of our nation's adversary tells him to do? How about the fact that our Secretary of State is an apologist for this traitor as much as any bot or GRU troll? This "nothing new" was reportedly even removed from Bolton's book under the guise of "being classified" by the Kremlin White House; nothing new, common knowledge, classified Top Secret common knowledge, all of the above! Only guilt would motivate the removal of the bounty threat story from the book. It's removal connotes guilt. They didn't want the sick farcical handling of this getting out. They knew how bad it made them look, especially Traitor Don. The multiple stories and versions connote both coverup and guilt. Nothing says you're guilty quite like a tidal wave of implausible rotating explanations.

In summary, the bounty threat to our soldiers that was either deemed "nothing new" and therefore unimportant by Kremlin West, or deemed all but non-existent, was classified as a secret. The classified secret story that was unimportant was then removed from the book that does exist despite the massive efforts of Trump to edit and even prevent its publication. What else didn't make the final manuscript?

The threat of bounties against our soldiers was real. Then it wasn't real, or at least "not verified" (as if not being verified was reason enough to not let the president know). Then it was verified and in the president's daily brief. The president doesn't read but he does. The story never got to him but he's "the most informed person on planet Earth." The president wasn't briefed (why not?) and then he was. Once he was briefed, he never acted on it, never even called for sanctions on his friend in Moscow, no response of any kind at all. He then called the whole thing a hoax. Then, Putin's bank transfers to the Taliban were verified. Some hoax, eh? A hoax with a paper trail. The Kremlin White House forgot to mention that in either of the two meetings they held for selected members of Congress; one for Republicans and one for Democrats; obviously a case of two different meetings equalling two different explanations. Traitor Don still calls the whole thing a hoax even though we now know that the bounty paid by his pal Putin is $100,000 per U.S. corpse.

Yeah, yeah, I've got it Mr. President. Yeah, it's all a bigly hoax, just like Obama's birth certificate, climate change, "Russia Russia," the coronavirus, the examples of your multiple bankruptcies, your virulent racism and everything else that gets in your way. They're all bigly bigly hoaxes, tremendous hoaxes, democrat hoaxes, conspiracies against you, all pulled off by thousands if not millions of people, every one of whom can keep the secret that it's all just a bigly made up hoax.

We have a man who is the Commander-in-Chief of our soldiers who acts like this bounty story is of no importance, so he does nothing. Same with his entire administration. But, it does matter to us and it certainly matters to the families of our soldiers, living and recently killed. They want to know the truth from a Kremlin affiliate in Washington that can't even keep its stories straight from hour to hour let alone from day to day. Our Kremlin White House is a 10-year-old boy who did something very bad and can't keep his story straight.

The traitors at Kremlin West say their Dear Leader didn't know, yet the brief was widely disseminated in addition to being given to him. Showing their utter contempt for us all, they'd have us think that of all of the other traitors under Traitor Don, all of those who got the briefing, from Vice President Pence on down, of all of them, not a single one did the job they swore to do and ever told their boss. A few of them would have us believe that they all knew but all of them, every single one, was afraid to tell Trump what was on the page of paper that sat before him on his desk because they would be fired. That's a lot more than mere "dereliction of duty' as some would have us believe. They knew too much. They'd rather keep their jobs working in a den of filth than protect a country that they obviously do not see as deserving of their allegiance. Who among them deserves to not be tried for being an accomplice to treason, convicted and taken out, put against a wall (how ironic), and shot?

Again, the media and so many political hacks float the idea that it was just incompetence. It is simply not believable that every single one of those who knew the facts, verified or not, kept silent, especially in light of the fact that their boss, their boss that had the information in front of him on his desk and is in such a close relationship with Putin and flaunted it in Helsinki, that he was against sanctions of any kind against his friend, whenever he was briefed, that meets with him in secret without witnesses in, that he was trying to get him admitted to the next G7 meeting, the meeting he so wanted to hold at Mar-a-Lago so he could sponge up still more of our taxpayer dollars, that calls him on the phone to play kissy kissy who knows how many times a week. They all kept silent, everyone one of them? They did so even in light of the fact that their Dear Leader had personally invited his master, Vladimir Putin to come to Washington and walk right into the oval office. Traitor Don would still do nothing in response even if Putin brought the bodies with him and dumped them on the White House lawn. It was already bad enough that, in the first few days of his presidency, he had had a Russian spy chief into the oval office and handed him classified Israeli intelligence. Russia if you're listening? He knows they are because he's telling them and he's telling them whatever they want to know. Pick ten of our best Marines. Give him a blindfold and stuff a hamberder in his mouth.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Trump was allowed to rise to power by eltes looking to destroy this nation. Putin could have no effect nearly as devastating as that little detail.
