
Friday, July 17, 2020

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah

As I begin writing this on Tuesday evening, 27% of the Houston, Texas population has tested positive for COVID-19. 27%; more than 1 in 4 people, heading up to 1 in 3. That's not just serious to Texas. Houston is the fourth largest city in our country. The Houston Chronicle has just published it's obituary section as a separate 43 page bound volume. Maybe their idiot governor, Greg Abbott will autograph it for selected Texas families. The state's Republican legislature is no better of course. In fact, they may be worse. Houston's hospitals are now over 100% filled and refrigeration trucks are on the way for corpse storage. Motivated by politics instead of safety, Texas re-opened way too soon back in May. Trump's "leadership" on this pandemic is so much the very opposite of what it should be that I almost have to ask if someone is paying a bounty for these corpses, too. Probably not. Putin probably just sees the mounting deaths, chaos, and economic ruin as a hoped for bonus on his investment in Mr. Orange Menace To Society.

Florida, Arizona, and Mississippi also followed Trump's guidance and demands and took a well-known chaotic and politically tainted approach to the handling of this plague. If Florida was a country, it would now be the country with the fourth highest number of COVID-19 cases in the world. The state just had more COVID-19 cases in one day (over 15,000) than New York had in any single day at the peak of its own COVID-19 crisis. In Arizona, (and much of Texas) the temperatures are in triple digits and the numbers of cases are soaring. Governor Doug Ducey of that state hastily re-opened the state in mid-May to appease our mentally ill president who was coming for a visit. So much for the virus disappearing when the warm weather comes. In Mississippi, where their governor, another stable genius, Tate Reeves, proudly stated that "Mississippi's never going to be China," at least 26 state legislators have tested positive and the people of the state have been told to get tested if they've been in contact with anyone in the legislature. I'll resist the temptation to make a joke.

The governors of various states, whether Republican or Democratic have made both good moves and mistakes in fighting the disease but in the cases of the four states I mentioned above, the mistakes were willful political errors made by governors who put pleasing their president above the health of their citizens. For example, even with the beyond catastrophic numbers of cases growing every day, including that new record for deaths in a day that I mentioned, Governor Ron DeSantis still refuses to mandate the wearing of masks or issue a statewide lockdown order. DeSantis says the surge of cases in his state is just a "blip." He is following Trump's orders and the citizens of his state are paying with their health and even lives. Earlier, DeSantis publicly stated that if Home Depot and Walmart can open, so can the state's schools at the end of August. Clearly, he will do nothing even when elementary school children start falling to the plague and coming home to infect the rest of their families. We know what Trump will do. He will applaud and smile in front of mask-optional rallies. Maybe, he will go to Miami and throw boxes of kleenex or Official RNC Casket Building Instruction Pamphlets to the crowds.

Saddest and stupidest of all may be the following story of one of COVID-19's victims. In Texas, a young man went to a COVID Party, a party where one goes to deliberately expose themselves to a person who allegedly has the virus. Like the patient pictured in tonight's meme, he got sick. He told his nurse that he thought the whole thing about COVID-19 was a hoax. He told her that just before he died. Now where would he get an idea about COVID-19 being a hoax? If you ask me, his family should sue Trump, the Murdochs and everyone at FOX "News" for every dollar and possession that they have. It won't bring the guy back but the people who directly caused his death by convincing him that this horrid virus is a hoax would get at least some small measure of the punishment they deserve. They are mass murderers.

Some hoax, eh?


  1. But how in the world could they possibly have known?

  2. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Someone on the right needs to buy out FOX .
