
Friday, July 10, 2020

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

-The infamous 14 Words slogan coined by David Lane, founder of the white supremacist organization known as The Order.
It's official, the KKK is broadcasting in plain sight, on national TV no less. Just compare the chyron in the screen capture above to the "14 Words" of the quote. KKK or FOX. Both stand for the same thing. I suppose we can be generous and give Tucker "Tiki Torch" Carlson credit for cutting the historic slogan down to his own "10 Words" or "best words." And, of course, for extra messaging, Tucker Tiki Torch combined his "10 Words" with the photos of two prominent non-caucasian American women who were elected to office by their constituents, one a Representative, the other a Senator. He literally called them vandals in order to terrify his republican audience. He even manages to verbally add his ongoing questioning of their patriotism, evilly and cynically glossing over the fact that one of them even gave both of her legs for this country. For this Mr. Tiki Torch says she doesn't love America. As an extra measure of his miniscule brain power, the irony of Tucker Tiki Torch preaching the gospel of the draft-dodging Cadet Bone Spurs while so denigrating a woman who sacrificed so much doesn't even occur to him or anyone else at FOX.

It's not like we needed any more evidence of the Murdoch family mission but FOX "News" is getting bolder by the week. No doubt they are operating in concert with our white supremacist president. We already know Traitor Don hires FOX "News alumni, talks directly with the current FOX people and has stepped up his white supremacist rhetoric, even channeling the words of Adolf Hitler in two speeches this past weekend as he decried, just like Tucker Tiki Torch, the very existence of the notion that Black Lives Matter. FOX "News" and the White House feed on each other's negativity, nihilism, and, most of all, racism. This is a Republican team approach. Already, many Republicans are talking up their Tiki Torch god as "presidential material" for 2024. This is who they are. This is the Republican Party brand, their platform is built on this.

The ratings for the Tucker Tiki Torch show are rising. Every night now, Mr. Tiki Torch sits there on camera and whines into the homes of America like some adolescent Grand Wizard. Republicans flock to their TVs for comfort and reassurance that someone is in their corner, a dark, dank, fetid, stinking corner at that. It's only a matter of time before Tucker Tiki Torch takes a pillow case from his last remaining sponsor, the My Pillow guy, cuts a couple of eye holes in it, puts it over his head, and broadcasts his show to the rapturous cheering and applause from every republican in the land. The rest of the FOX "News" staff will follow Tucker and President Trump in goose step. Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham will be kicking themselves for not doing the broadcasting in a hood thing first, even though they've obviously thought about it for years. If the current president gets another four years, the Murdochs will be giving him at least an hour of his own every night to read from his legendary well-worn book of Adolf Hitler's speeches.


  1. Anonymous5:47 AM

    That face would have been a frequent target of abuse in my high school.

  2. wjbill9:18 AM

    Murdoch needs to pay for his crimes against democracy and humanity
