
Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah

The above clip from The Villages, a Flor-i-duh retirement community, could easily run as an advertisement for FOX "News." It has all the elements: Golf carts, Trump 2020 signs, and Republican guys screaming "White Power. White Power!" All it's missing is Tucker Tiki Torch, Laura Ingraham throwing a few nazi salutes, and a Confederate or Nazi flag or two, or five.

I am, in fact, shocked that the clip hasn't been running as an ad on FOX half-hourly since it first surfaced this weekend. And why did it surface? Because President Chimp On Crack was so proud of this parade of lowlife white supremacist supporters that he thought everyone should see it. Just having it be the number one youtube clip in the White House wasn't enough for him. So, he tweeted it to the universe!

It's not the first time Trump has tweeted things with a white nationalist theme and it won't be the last. He knows who votes for him and he aims to please them. This time, he even described his fellow white supremacists in the parade as "Great people." Of course he did. It was a Charlottesville moment all over again. If one of those Nazi loons in their golf carts thought they could have killed one of the counter protesters by running them over with their golf carts, they would have done it in an instant. They would have gone right after the woman who wrote Black Lives Matter on her shirt. After all, what else would you expect from a Trump Cultist?

I bet all of the paraders have already been invited to the Republican Convention slated for Jasksonville in August. There they'll be, up on stage, driving around in circles in their golf carts like monkeys on tricycles, chanting "White Power! White Power! White Power!' You'll see and hear the delegates in the audience joining in as Ms. Ingraham and Mr. Tiki Torch introduce Trump and Pence as they slowly appear walking out of a fog cloud at the rear of the stage. Maybe Kim Jong un will be there, too, walking hand in hand with the president.


  1. Anonymous11:30 AM

    The COVID Rapture is coming for them.

  2. Anonymous6:13 PM

    no it's not. there is no rapture.

    funny. one man's deity is another man's dangerous buffoon. The latter have all been culled... so we're left with only cultists.

    not like biden will be any better. just a little more diplomatic maybe.

    and I can reiterate that the rest of the world (of which I know some) has totally lost all respect for the usa and americans as a people. I'd wager that loss has no remedy.

    but that's how we like shit. trump is truly a reflection of the American people.
