
Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Last Decision Days of DED-Heads-- A Guest Post 
By Emorej

Choices of "DED-Heads" (Dem.Estab.Donor.Heads)

after Senate Primary Dominance survived 2020:

(ii) leave some $ on table, or

(i) suicidally double down

Status update:

Now that big money staved off Progressive Senate nominations in Kentucky (Booker) and Colorado (Romanoff), the 2020 primary cycle has failed to mark the official death of Democratic Senate nominations’ dominance by Democratic Establishment big Donors and their loyal servant Democratic Party heads ("DED-Heads").

Meanwhile, Trump’s electoral college math is in free-fall as Florida, which has long been the hill where Republican Presidential nominees must do-or-die, is racing toward every type of “die” as the Trump-turbocharged Pandemic passes the point of no return towards a major culling of the elderly retirees who disproportionately vote in Florida’s elections.

Thus, 2021 policy will be made by a non-Trump (probably Democratic) President facing a Senate containing zero or few new Progressives.

DED-Heads’ Options

How will DEDheads use the above reprieve (during the short interim before the Senate seats of Schumer, Warren, Harris and others are besieged by Progressive challengers)?

Option (i), which would be psychologically consistent with their track record, would be to double down on worshipping big donors’ cheap purchasing of economic and ecological domination, while using a few Black and/or Brown female faces and identity politics rhetoric in order to ‘rainbow-wash’ a continued lemming-like rush over economic, political and ecological cliffs towards mass genocide and suicide. The most prominent and transparent symbol of this option would be a Biden-Harris Presidential ticket, likely to win (with zero coat-tails) mainly because of Trump’s Pandemic cherry on top of broader self-marginalization.

Option (ii) would follow the tradition of “today’s winners leaving some money on table for today’s losers in order to keep the game alive.” For this option, too, the most prominent and transparent symbol would be the Democratic Presidential ticket, as discussed below.

Biden + Black Woman Dem

A Biden-Harris ticket (even more than a Biden-Demings ticket) would confirm many of the worst suspicions of swing and variable turnout voters about the DED-Heads. For example:

1. DED-Heads’ comfort with (a) Biden’s cognitive decline, soft (at least) corruption and coddling (at least) of racists, and (b) Harris’s three-fer identity profile outweighing her laughable unpreparedness (thanks to CA’s 1-party echo chamber) for the barely warming up spotlights of her first Presidential primary. Even Harris’s recent marriage is a negative, because her White husband (whose day job coincidentally enjoyed a leapfrog up into a mega-lobbying Big Law firm) highlights suspicions that ‘cultural Blackness’ has been mainly a career strategy for Harris, whose (East) Indian mother raised her mainly in Montreal after divorce from her (partially) Black Jamaican father, who has publicly denounced Harris’s joke about Ganja-smoking stereotypes.

2. Even Demings would be a modest upgrade over Harris, because (a) Demings’ anti-Progressivism can be attributed to need to please the Orlando electorate (and the Presidential ticket’s goal of pleasing swingy Florida), and (b) Demings’career as a policewoman suggests a potential cultural bridge between police and the victims of over- and overly-brutal policing (unlike Harris’s career as a prosecutor who had to overcome her lack of cultural connections to police by pandering to them at the expense of their victims).

Better Options

What alternative Democratic Presidential tickets would embody more politically effective symbolism and/or substance?

1. For Vice-President, Barbara Lee would be a slam-dunk, because Barbara, along with the traditional experience of 2+ decades in Congress, (a) has a Black woman identity to pre-empt complaints from box-checkers (and is too old to clog the lines of succession for very long), and (b) is widely admired (notably for her 2001 casting of the sole vote in the House against the Cheney-Rove-W. administration’s first endless war bill) by many Progressives including Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Bernie Sanders, but (c) has ‘matured’ (along with her rapidly gentrifying district, where Black voter percentage has declined even more rapidly) into avoiding fights with the Dem establishment.

2. For President, Al Gore would be an intelligent choice, offering many advantages over Biden, especially in order to minimize Dems’ loss of voters to the Green Party Presidential ticket. Examples include: (a) early identification with climate change awareness, and 2003 public opposition to invading Iraq, (b) recent proximity to Silicon Valley (which is great for raising money and is necessary for understanding options relating to the looming surveillance apocalypse), (c) arguably being owed a ‘gift-wrapped’ nomination as compensation for loss-by-theft of the 2001 Presidency, and (d) also old enough to not clog the lines of succession.

3- For either President or Vice-President, a master-stroke would be Condoleeza Rice, who would (a) formalize the merger of establishment Democrats with anti-Trump (non-Libertarian) Republicans, and (b) enable the Presidential popular vote to better reflect voters’ ideological alignments, such as:
Condi ticket 50%;
Trump ticket 30%;

Libertarian ticket 4%;
Green ticket 16%-- creating a base camp for a stronger 50-state (expanded GreenEntry) ticket in 2024.
Obviously the DED-Head-whipped Dem establishment is unlikely to follow the above advice, because they are too bubble-brained to catch up with the new reality that (riffing on Chuck Schumer’s infamous failed 2016 prediction):

"For every vote the Dems lose to a Green or other Lefty Presidential ticket, the Condi-led Dems could win both a vote and a donation from another Republican suburban woman."

Instead, they’re more likely to waste this last chance decision by re-running their old playbook, and then try to enjoy their golden caskets while the rest of us sleep easier in mass graves.


  1. Anonymous9:31 PM

    If elected, Biden won't last long. As he has yet to announce his (terrible) choice of a VP, he is the false front for whomever he does select.

  2. No disagreement here Howie you're spot on.

  3. Anonymous6:04 AM

    condoleeza rice? are you fucking kidding?

    OH. on second thought... it would OFFICIALLY merge the lefty corrupt neoliberal fascism with the former right corrupt neoliberal neocon fascism.

    At least there would be no doubt any longer.

    And who else would non-Nazis vote for? right?
