
Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Entitled GOP Nut Bag Judd Gregg Sees An Anti-Biden Coup Looming

Nut Bag Gregg Judd offering a seminar on progressive politics

Judd Gregg's father was governor of New Hampshire when Judd was a child. The younger Gregg was elected to Congress in his early 30s and then retired from the House in 1988 and ran, successfully, for his father's old job. After two terms as governor, he ran for the U.S. Senate. A mainstream conservative, he was one of the token Republicans Obama offered to put in his first cabinet (as secretary of Commerce)-- at a time when presidents still attempted to make it look like they cared about being vaguely bipartisan. Biden, no doubt, will being that tradition back with a thunderclap and a roar. His old pal Gregg, however is unlikely to be under consideration for a post, even though Gregg-- who first tried getting himself appointed to Obama's cabinet and then withdrew his name-- and Biden worked on schemes together to cut Social Security and Medicare, something dear to each man's cold, austeritarian heart.

Gregg was always thought of as a little nutty and a little crooked. I don't know if he's more corrupt than he used to be when he would do earmarks that directly benefitted his family's business, but he's certainly nuttier than ever. He writes an occasional OpEd for The Hill these days and his column yesterday was a crackpot conspiracy theory meant to prevent Biden from making Elizabeth Warren his running mate. It's a doozy!

Gregg claims that Biden "may be cornered into choosing a socialist or progressive" as VP and will then be ousted for senility sticking all the Republicans backing Biden this cycle with-- shudders-- Warren! Or maybe not Warren. Gregg is so out of touch with today's political reality that he considers Kamala Harris and "any number of lesser-known" potential Biden picks as "advocates for the far left." I guess if you consider keeping Social Security and Medicare policies of the far left, almost any non-Blue Dog is about equal to Lenin or Stalin. He claims this is the agenda being thrust on Biden via his far left running mate:
Promoting and promulgating-- not merely accepting-- the massive protests that have occurred in some cities, even when they have led to lawlessness, looting, riots and declarations of autonomy.
Searching out and destroying unbelievers in pursuit of a politically correct version of history, and doing so with a zeal that would have made Cotton Mather blush.
Removing statues of historical figures that are deemed unacceptable based on today’s parameters of social justice.
Apparently, Judd Gregg, like SeƱor Trumpanzee, speaks for the left and interprets their agenda. As far as I know, removing statues of Confederate traitor that were erected in the late Jim Crow era is an infinitesimally small part of it. Removing memorials to Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other American founding fathers is not. "It is difficult, if not impossible," moaned Gregg, clutching his pearls, "to see how the nation would have developed without these extraordinary men." But not men like Judd Gregg; America-- and New Hampshire, would have been far better off if he and Trump had never been born. "It is also ironic," he kept raving, "that when leftists condemn these historical figures, they are using freedoms and rights that would not exist without the leadership of those selfsame giants of our past. But the Democratic Party is, to use a highly politically incorrect phrase, 'on the war path' against the nation’s history if it is not interpreted pursuant to their dogma. The pilgrims of the progressive cause countenance no dissent as they rope and spray-paint the statues of people who once led the nation. They are a fanatical group. Biden is suspect to them, of course. He defeated their patron saints, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Warren, and thus they demand that he have as his cohort an acceptable socialist/progressive who is fervent about the cause. This is about power. All major elections are. The socialist/progressives understand this as well as any political movement does." Always go right to conservative nut-bags when you want an explanation of what progressives think. He describes them the way many mainstream conservatives describe the neo-fascists who've, with Triump, taken over the apparatus of the GOP.
But the difference is that the socialist/progressive movers who now control the board in the game of Democratic Party politics have no ethical tether.

They are filled with the flames of clarity as to the rightness of their goals. They see all who attempt to dampen those flames as enemies.

Theirs is first and foremost a social justice cause that is justified by their self-proclaimed correctness.

It allows them to move forward without any doubt and with untempered intensity.

They can proclaim sections of cities independent nations. They can proclaim America’s most important past political leaders evil. They can promote lawlessness in the name of the rightness of their cause.

They can essentially march outside the boundaries of the nation’s history and political structure, asserting that what they do is best for all.

They will not tolerate for long not being in total control. They will have their vice president, but not their president. And they are a very impatient people and movement.

Since their goal is power and their purpose pure, why should they wait?

The path to total control is clearly there once they have the vice presidency.

It is the 25th Amendment.

Within a few months of assuming the presidency, Biden may find himself being the next statue toppled as the socialist/progressive movement moves closer to power.

Replacing him with his vice president could be deemed necessary to the cause.

His colleagues could declare him too old to handle the presidency and remove him under the 25th Amendment.

Et tu, Brute?

The Cause will have been completed.

Power will be fully in the hands of the statue-removers, the social justice police and those who see America’s political history as basically evil. Socialist/progressive excess will govern.

It will be a coup.

Look over your shoulder, Joe. Watch your back. Donald Trump is not your most threatening problem.
Donald Trump is everyone's most threatening problem and if Judd Gregg had a patriotic bone left in his feeble body, he would know that too.


  1. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Who will replace Biden has to be a factor in deciding who Biden will "run" with. In that point alone does Gregg have something to talk about.

    Loons like Gregg used to be involuntarily hospitalized, but a future Alzheimer's patient ended that practice.

  2. Anonymous4:54 PM

    It seems like the age old Right strategy, accuse your opponents of what you are doing - first!
