
Saturday, June 20, 2020

Will Trump's Regime Be Remembered For Having Had All The Best People?

From the beginning of his absurd climb to the White House, Trump consistently promised he would hire "the best people." There were people who liked his anti-status quo message but who knew he couldn't handle Washington and may of them were lulled into imagining everything would be fine because they bought the "best people" lie.

Like nearly everything with Trump, the opposite of what he says is more in touch with reality than what he says. He has consistently found the worst people, people like himself. And when someone honest or competent was recommended and slipped it, they were quickly disposed of. Stephen Miller lasted. A neo-Nazi sociopath, Miller is Trump's idea of "the best people."

Yesterday, Washington Post reporter Colby Itkowitz wrote about former Trump chief of staff-- fired-- right-win extremist Mick Mulvaney's critique that Trump chose the wrong people after Mulvaney's appearance on CNN Friday morning.

“If there was one criticism I would level against the president, he didn’t hire very well,” Mulvaney said. “He did not have experience at running government, and didn’t know how to put together a team that could work well with him.”

The conversation came amid this week’s buzz over Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton’s tell-all book about his time in the White House, in which he describes a morally corrupt president fixated on his own political success.

The list of Trump administration officials turned critics is long and includes former defense secretary Jim Mattis, former Navy secretary Richard V. Spencer and former secretary of state Rex Tillerson.

Mulvaney said most of the people now chiding the president are from the military and said, “that’s not the personality that works well with Donald Trump, who is a small-business man who did extremely well.”

Trump famously said during the 2016 presidential election that if he becomes president he would “surround myself only with the best and most serious people. We want top of the line professionals.”

But in the past three and a half years, there’s been high turnover in the White House, and Trump has attacked many of the people he once hired, such as former attorney general Jeff Sessions, whom he now despises.

At an event Thursday at the White House, as reporters were escorted out of the room, one correspondent yelled to the president: “Why do you keep hiring people that you believe are wackos and liars?”-- the names he’s called Bolton.

Trump sat stone faced and ignored the question.

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