
Friday, June 26, 2020

Trump Has Covered Up Russians Paying Bounties For Dead American Soldiers

Trump has failed to protect Americans from the pandemic and yesterday it came out that he also failed to protect American soldiers stationed overseas from his Russian "allies." One would be crazy not to wonder if Trump was getting a percentage of the bounty Russia was paying the Taliban for each dead American soldier. Charlie Savage, Eric Schmitt and Michael Schwitz's story in the NY Times today, Russia Secretly Offered Afghan Militants Bounties to Kill U.S. Troops, Intelligence Says would be a blockbuster were it not for all the other Trump insanity clogging the news cycles.

I want you to keep in mind that at the very end of May, when he had already been briefed and when others in his Regime were proposing sanctions against Putin's government for paying for the assassinations of American soldiers, Trump was whining about wanting to invite the Russians to rejoin the G-7 (May 30).

The Times trio reported that months ago, U.S. intelligence has concluded that Russia has been offering bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing coalition forces in Afghanistan-- including targeting American troops-- amid the peace talks to end the long-running war there. The Russian GRU unit carrying out the policy-- which had to be approved by Putin personally-- " has been linked to assassination attempts and other covert operations in Europe intended to destabilize the West or take revenge on turncoats."

Money has changed hands for at least of some of 20 dead Americans killed "in combat" in 2019.
The intelligence finding was briefed to President Trump, and the White House’s National Security Council discussed the problem at an interagency meeting in late March, the officials said. Officials developed a menu of potential options-- starting with making a diplomatic complaint to Moscow and a demand that it stop, along with an escalating series of sanctions and other possible responses, but the White House has yet to authorize any step, the officials said.

An operation to incentivize the killing of American and other NATO troops would be a significant and provocative escalation of what American and Afghan officials have said is Russian support for the Taliban, and it would be the first time the Russian spy unit was known to have orchestrated attacks on Western troops.

...While some of his closest advisers, like Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, have counseled more hawkish policies toward Russia, Mr. Trump has adopted an accommodating stance toward Moscow.

At a summit in 2018 in Helsinki, Finland, Mr. Trump strongly suggested that he believed Mr. Putin’s denial that the Kremlin interfered in the 2016 presidential election, despite broad agreement within the American intelligence establishment that it did. Mr. Trump criticized a bill imposing sanctions on Russia when he signed it into law after Congress passed it by veto-proof majorities. And he has repeatedly made statements that undermined the NATO alliance as a bulwark against Russian aggression in Europe.

...[T]he intelligence had been treated as a closely held secret, but the administration expanded briefings about it this week-- including sharing information about it with the British government, whose forces are among those said to have been targeted.

The intelligence assessment is said to be based at least in part on interrogations of captured Afghan militants and criminals. The officials did not describe the mechanics of the Russian operation, such as how targets were picked or how money changed hands. It is also not clear whether Russian operatives had deployed inside Afghanistan or met with their Taliban counterparts elsewhere.

The revelations came into focus inside the Trump administration at a delicate and distracted time. Although officials collected the intelligence earlier in the year, the interagency meeting at the White House took place as the coronavirus pandemic was becoming a crisis and parts of the country were shutting down.

...Some officials have theorized that the Russians may be seeking revenge on NATO forces for a 2018 battle in Syria in which the American military killed several hundred pro-Syrian forces, including numerous Russian mercenaries, as they advanced on an American outpost. Officials have also suggested that the Russians may have been trying to derail peace talks to keep the United States bogged down in Afghanistan. But the motivation remains murky.

The officials briefed on the matter said the government had assessed the operation to be the handiwork of Unit 29155, an arm of Russia’s military intelligence agency, known widely as the G.R.U. The unit is linked to the March 2018 nerve agent poisoning in Salisbury, England, of Sergei Skripal, a former G.R.U. officer who had worked for British intelligence and then defected, and his daughter.

Western intelligence officials say the unit, which has operated for more than a decade, has been charged by the Kremlin with carrying out a campaign to destabilize the West through subversion, sabotage and assassination. In addition to the 2018 poisoning, the unit was behind an attempted coup in Montenegro in 2016 and the poisoning of an arms manufacturer in Bulgaria a year earlier.

American intelligence officials say the G.R.U. was at the center of Moscow’s covert efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. In the months before that election, American officials say, two G.R.U. cyberunits, known as 26165 and 74455, hacked into Democratic Party servers and then used WikiLeaks to publish embarrassing internal communications.

In part because those efforts were aimed at helping tilt the election in Mr. Trump’s favor, his handling of issues related to Russia and Mr. Putin has come under particular scrutiny. The special counsel investigation found that the Trump campaign welcomed Russia’s intervention and expected to benefit from it, but found insufficient evidence to establish that his associates had engaged in any criminal conspiracy with Moscow.

Operations involving Unit 29155 tend to be much more violent than those involving the cyberunits. Its officers are often decorated military veterans with years of service, in some cases dating to the Soviet Union’s failed war in Afghanistan in the 1980s. Never before has the unit been accused of orchestrating attacks on Western soldiers, but officials briefed on its operations say it has been active in Afghanistan for many years.

Though Russia declared the Taliban a terrorist organization in 2003, relations between them have been warming in recent years. Taliban officials have traveled to Moscow for peace talks with other prominent Afghans, including the former president, Hamid Karzai. The talks have excluded representatives from the current Afghan government as well as anyone from the United States, and at times they have seemed to work at crosscurrents with American efforts to bring an end to the conflict.

The disclosure comes at a time when Mr. Trump has said he would invite Mr. Putin to an expanded meeting of the Group of 7 nations, but tensions between American and Russian militaries are running high.


  1. For Goddess' sake Howie, knock it off. This cartoonish propaganda from our "intelligence" agencies only end up helping Trump. The libs eat this stuff up like the Benghazi conspiracy crack Fox News served up for years. Trump has been violating the emoluments clause daily since taking office, started 8 conpanies in Saudi Arabia while on the campaign trail and continues Obama's illegal and unconscionable drone bombing of innocent civilians - just for starters. But Dems are incapable of prosecuting REAL crimes. They are even worse at imaginary ones.

  2. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Again it begs the question, Who is worse:
    1) the guy who commits treason (kidnapping, murder, emoluments, collusion, obstruction...)
    2) the people whose jobs, as defined by the founders, is to get rid of that first guy, but who refuse to honor that mandate.

    I know. you will vote for the latter every time no matter what and you reflex is to automatically find #1 worse... and you may be correct.

    But as long as you keep propping up the corrupt #2 bunch, #1 won't ever go away.


    come to think of it, that makes you democrap voters the worst, since you perpetuate both groups.

  3. Anonymous9:45 PM

    If it's anti-TRUMP, then no evidence or questions need be shown or asked? Is Afghanistan on the US Border? Hmmm---didn't the US fund Bin-Laden to kill Russians in the name of Afghan freedom fighters? Trump has so confused you that you can't tell if your chasing something real or some flashlight spot he's wiggling. Assange is in jail because you have lost your skepticism of intelligence agencies agendas (supporting dictators, staging coups and killing a half million Timorese in a model operation). They can get you to say/believe anything now, just to relieve your Trump-o-phobia: as u probably now think BUSH was a great President since he's anti-Trump now. Pure madness. The DNC servers were not hacked into, it was taken via flash-drive and the Trump/Rusiagate bullshit was started by Hillary at the time of her email release to take away attention from her actual emails. Same people who say Bernie (James Carville "Putin is very happy with Bernie's Nevada win"), Tulsi are also Russian assets when they put forward progressive policy ideas. It's all Neo-lib propaganda/redbaiting 2 and DWT should not feed the Neo-Ogre.

  4. Fledermaus10:06 PM

    The debates. If they happen, will be a thing to see

  5. Anonymous7:02 AM

    9:45, excellent comment.

  6. Anonymous8:31 AM

    The debates? Please! Between Trump's fairy tales and Biden's mental decrepitude you think would be a thing to watch? The nation is being stolen from us and you look forward to consuming the distraction, Fliedermaus?

    Trump will avoid debating at all costs, even against Biden who can't perform without chemicals which have to be affecting him adversely. Trump can't risk a gaffe of his own, especially since the corporate media is now being allowed to express critical comments about what he says and does even if they ARE pulling their punches.

    But it is all for show as the corporatists already control everything for their own benefit anyway. The arrangements to either steal the election for Trump or to have him declare martial law to prevent the election are likely ready and awaiting the execute order.
