
Sunday, June 28, 2020

Trump-- A Failure At Everything... And We Pay

A day after Trump autographed a tiny section of border wall near San Luis in Yuma County, Arizona-- a county and state being devastated because of his incompetence in confronting the pandemic-- a federal appeals court in California ruled that his use of $2.5 billion that Congress had appropriated to the Pentagon for specified purposes, to build his wall is illegal. "It stopped COVID, it stopped everything," he lied.

In a 2-1 ruling, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals found that SeƱor Trumpanzee’s diversion of defense, military and other funding-- billions of dollars that were not originally earmarked for border wall construction-- violated the Appropriations Clause of the Constitution, which gives Congress the exclusive power of the purse. The majority decision stressed that "These funds were appropriated for other purposes, and the transfer amounted to 'drawing funds from the Treasury without authorization by statute and thus violating the Appropriations Clause.' Therefore, the transfer of funds here was unlawful."

The 9th Circuit issued two related rulings on Friday, siding with the state of California and more than a dozen other states in one case, and private groups in another, all of whom challenged the Regime's unconstitutional and criminal attempts to build an unauthorized wall along the border with Mexico. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra: "Today, the court reminded the President-- once again-- that no one is above the law. While the Trump Administration steals public funds to build an unauthorized wall at the Southern Border, families across the country are struggling to pay their bills."

Trump's wall is not foremost in most Arizonan's minds right now. On Friday the state reported 3,428 new cases of COVID-19. Saturday, Arizona reported 3,593 new cases and today, another 3,857-- a bad trend. Since the weekend began, the cases per million Arizonans rose from 9,130 to 10,154. Arizona now has confirmed 73,908 cases, 10th most among states. Trump says it's all because of increased testing-- but that sure doesn't explain why Arizonans in the hospital with COVID smashed through the state's record over the weekend. Trump hopes to divert voters' attention from his COVID-19 failures by stoking xenophobia, racism and his big, beautiful-- and now autographed-- wall. It isn't working in Arizona, where the newest polling shows Trump losing to Biden by 7 points. Meanwhile, a Fox News poll shows Trump senatorial doormat Martha McSally being defeated by Democrat Mark Kelly by an astounding 13 points-- 50-37%. And yesterday, Pence announced he's "postponing" scheduled campaign events in the state (and Florida) this week. (Is he hanging out with Biden in his basement?)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:52 AM

    no worries. the supreme court already vacated an injunction which allowed his illegal appropriation of funds to continue and for his hate monument to be constructed.

    Once the case gets back there, I'm sure it'll be 5-4 that the American president can add this to his long list of constitutional violations.

    and who is it that is bringing this suit? Is it your intrepid democraps? Why, no it is not.

    thought you might want to know.
