
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah

All in all, it's just another hole in the wall. And, Trump's ineffective wall is costing us tens of billions of our taxpayer dollars, taxpayer dollars that would have a better effect on our country's economic health and our individual physical health if they were spent on things like cancer research, environmental health, improving education, renewable energy, food security, youth programs... You get the picture. Yet, there was Trumpanzee in Yuma, AZ yesterday touting his bigly beautiful tremendous wall that Mexico isn't paying for. Oh, how I would have loved to have seen a Mexican pole vaulter flying over Trump's multi-billion dollar wall as he spoke. Even better if the pole vaulter landed smack on top of The Orange Menace To Society and flattened him. Of course, there was no mention of all of the families destroyed by President Psychopath's policies and no mention of his penchant for kidnapping children and putting them in cages. He needs to be given a punishment that fits his crimes. Start with a cage. Then leave that cage in the desert in the blazing sun. Toss in a few angry rattlers for extra measure. How about a Gila monster, too? They're local to the area.

But, here we are. The government is seizing the private land of American citizens, even those who voted for Trump, and building the wall on what was once their private property. They're also destroying sacred lands that belong to people whose ancestors were here long, long before Trump's wore out their welcome in Germany. Animal migration and water circulation are also being badly affected in the area. Money well spent? You decide. Fair and balanced and all that. Suppose the Italian government decided to build a wall across St. Peter's Square in The Vatican. I bet a lot of blowhard Americans would have a lot to say about that!

As for Gary Beene's comment at the top of tonight's meme, he's a talented guy but I'm extra impressed if he scaled that wall in 15 seconds. I guess that chain-link fencing placed against it on the other side helped. Still, I know I couldn't do it that fast, especially after sitting at home for the last 3 months! Kudos to Gary. There are a lot of similar photos, some photoshopped, some not. My favorites, though, are the ones where someone has brought a saw and cut through the wall in mere minutes. There are also the guys that just stack up a bunch of tires and climb up them to the top of the barrier. Heave a couple of old mattresses over and jump. Some people have towed dumpsters up to the wall to get a leg up, and of course, ladders but ladders are so pedestrian. Too obvious! Sooner or later, someone is going to bring a hydraulic lift. The important thing is what all this says about ingenuity and the human spirit. I call it the force of will.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Donald Trump’s parenting responsibilities ended at ejaculation!
