
Sunday, June 28, 2020

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah

Sunday Thoughts:

Jeez, Pence always has to imitate Donnie Clown Shoes! First there was that conference room thing with the water bottle. Then Donnie Clown Shoes had trouble navigating a ramp at West Point so Pence then just had to fake stumbling up a stairway. What's next? Oh, I see Jesus pushed him! Not bad, Mr. Christ, not bad! This is like when you did your famous Antifa move on the money changers. Good on you! This is the kind of Jesus I can believe in!

Now, please Jesus, hear my prayer. Can you arrange it so Pence gets off of a Marine helicopter and walks across the White House lawn to visit his boss of bosses looking like he got in a fight with his handlers on the trip just like his boss? You know, tie askew. Maga hat all scrunched up in his hand. Suit severely rumpled, practically ruined. Face all puffy and dejected-looking and like he's been screaming, crying, and throwing things. "Mother" nowhere to be seen?


  1. LOVE IT!
    H/t teh Sabbath.
    NEVER let Pence, "Onward Xstianist Soldiers NEAR the PREZidency.

  2. Anonymous8:27 AM

    If Chevy Chase could mock Jerry Ford's missteps, will Beck Bennett do Pence's now?
