
Monday, June 22, 2020

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah

Tulsa: Donald J. Trump is no longer the hottest ticket in town. He came. He saw. He conquered nothing.

The best moment of the night was when Donnie Jackass walked out on the stage and gazed is stupid gaze out to a two-thirds empty arena. He wanted 20,000 props for his reelection bid and got 6200. He thought there'd be an overflow crowd watching screens outside the arena. You could see the anger in his eyes as his limited syphilis-inflicted brain tried to comprehend the scene. Surly, he had been told what to expect but seeing the rejection right in front of him drove it home. Oh, dear Donnie, maybe next time you can pay a few thousand extras $130,000 each to pretend to like you. Or, how about some life size cardboard stand-ups? How about an audience of 100,000 dressed up blow-up sex dolls made up to resemble Ivanka? Meanwhile, Donnie, you'll just have to convince yourself that the 6200 people that attended were really 62,000. I know your mind can do that trick, Donnie. You did it on Inauguration Day. Just call up Sean Spicer and have him handle the whole thing. Hell, make him your campaign manager. Period.

Donnie's speech? What did you expect? He spoke his insanity for an hour and forty minutes. There were lots of lowlights. No room here for all of them but even with all of that time, he never once mentioned the massacre that had happened less than a mile from where he wobbly stood. Instead, he called the people who protest racism thugs. He did an endless desperate riff on his desire to keep Confederate statues up and in place. He talked about not letting the celebration of "our heritage" of slavery and repression be taken away. His audience cheered and cheered. Of course, they would. If Donnie ever had mentioned the massacre, it would have come in the form of a call for a reenactment, and those 6200 devoted followers would have gladly rushed to participate. That's who they are. Donnie attracts the best people.

Donnie even managed to up his racist campaign against our Chinese citizens by using a racist slur to decribe COVID-19. Bigly cheers from his bigoted audience for that one. I'm just guessing, though, that they didn't rush home to toss out anything in their homes that happened to have been made in China. He also managed to admit, again, that he hates the ideal of virus testing. Of course, that's only because he worries that the resulting numbers make him look bad. They point to his dropping of the ball. To hell with anyone else, right, Donnie?
When you do testing to that extent, you're gonna find more people. You're gonna find more cases, so I said to my people, slow the testing down, please. They test and test.
The weirdest segment of the evening, though, had to be the full 10 minutes that Little Donnie did on his West Point ramp walk. 10 minutes! The whole original scene at West Point took all of 2 minutes max as he attempted to navigate his way down the offstage ramp, yet he not only called attention to the pathetic scene, he expanded upon it and advertised it by blabbing for 10 minutes about it, even claiming, falsely of course, that he ran the last several feet (bone spurs and all, I guess). Anyway, the film shows otherwise. Maybe he thinks his ramp walking will, one day, become as famous as Michael Jackson's moonwalk.

Oh, and his audience cheered when he proved that he could drink from a glass of water with just one hand. Apparently, all that winning he talked about in 2016 just requires a severe lowering of expectations. That's America in 2020 folks. We've gone from "a chicken in every pot" to "Hey, look! I can drink with one hand." That's one small hand for a man, one bigly, tremendous cheer for a narcissistic psycho.

So now the 14 day countdown has begun. How many of the 6200 are now infected with COVID 19 to go along with their Trump disease. As I said a couple of days ago, I'm not so worried about them. What I worry about is all the sensible, decent people they may take with them.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:29 AM

    George Galloway reported on his MOATS show today that Germany is having a COVID-19 explosion, and there are worries that the UK will follow very closely. Add this to China again having trouble, and a COVID-19 survivor is again testing positive, and I'm guessing a lot of people will soon get to experience Eternity.
