
Sunday, June 21, 2020

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah

Sunday Thoughts:

Ah, the ol' Christonut love and tolerance. "The Gay" makes them so bigly sad, sad, and angry. But according to this alternate universe (the place Republicans feel most at home) Peanuts satire, Repugs can take some perverse solace in having Lucy among their number:

So Lucy is a classic Republican homophobe. Looks like she's a "get" for the Republikooks. Oh, well! Who knew? I guess we already knew that she's some sort of sadist, though. She's always pulling that football away from Charlie Brown at the last second just to watch him fall on his ass and hurt his back. Will Pat Robertson, Tucker Tiki Torch, the Huckabees, the whole damn White House, and Pat Buchanan now be singing her praises? Will she be asked to speak at the Republican convention? I can see her up there at the podium, whining about pantless Donald Duck and his 3 "nephews," Teletubbies, Sponge Bob, and purple Barney, not to forget Fred and Barney from Bedrock, too! She'll fit right in.


  1. Anonymous4:12 PM

    The last thing obamanation said about marriage equality during his 2012 re-election campaign was that he was NOT in favor of it.

    As for the rest of those altruistic impulses, the democraps will only SAY they are for them. They certainly never act on them. And they'll act in direct opposition to all that the money does not favor.

    like obamanation on marriage equality... and the public option... and peace.

    how about a little more balance?

    oh, yeah, forgot ... sheepdog barking is your 'thing'.

  2. 4:12, Try to keep yourself from lying. Then go read Obama's May 2012 ABC interview with Robin Roberts. And, before that, his DOMA decision in 2011 in which he instructed the Justice Department to stop defending DOMA. That instruction deliberately and methodically led to the momentous ruling of 2015 in the Obergefell v. Hodges case that ended up blessing us with marriage equality.

    The public option and peace? Down With Tyranny was outspoken about those way before you ever decided to load up the comments section with your sad broken record of shit. It is your mind that is unbalanced. You need to grow up. Now go howl at the moon.
