
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah

The Trumpanzee is certainly consistent. Just months into his fecal presidency, he placed the white supremacist tiki torch paraders of Charlottesville into his personal category of "very fine people" when one of their number murdered Heather Heyer by deliberately plowing his car into the crowd of people protesting a statue that commemorated a defender of slavery. More recently, he has greeted people who protest racism by having his minions plow through them on horseback so he could blasphemously hold up a bible in front of a church.

Next up, Herr Trump scheduled his campaign kickoff rally full of more "very fine people" on the perfect date, in his psychopathic mind, to dance on the graves of 300 murdered Tulsa black folks. In thevery same week, he loudly rejected the idea of renaming several U.S. military forts that were named after traitorous Generals who chose treason in their effort to preserve the heritage of slavery. He even said his decision is about honoring "a history of winning, victory, and freedom." Really. He really said that when history tells us that names like Hood, and Bragg, while they may be racist idols and icons to modern Republicans, stand for losing, treason, and slavery.

That wasn't enough for our psychopathic white supremacist president. He then moved his convention to Jacksonville and scheduled his acceptance speech on the anniversary, the exact day, of a KKK rampage that occurred in Jacksonville called Ax Handle Saturday. Like I say, Trump is consistent. So is his party of course, since they are with him every racist step of the way, right up to and including nominating him so he can give that acceptance speech and take both his and their madness even further.

Oh well. For Trump and his party, it's on to Tulsa later this week to frantically push their agenda of hate and worse, shovelling their shit against the tide of righteousness in desperate hopes of turning back the clock and partying like it's 1859. This is a whole lot more than "If it walks like a duck..." It's who republicans and their Dear Leader are.

And one thing more for good measure: If you still think that that Republican neighbor or work colleague you have the misfortune to know isn't a completely insane, nihilistic, knuckle-dragging, bigoted asshole, just remember that in the same week as the above things I mentioned, the Orange Menace To Society removed the protections for our transgender brothers and sisters. All of this, and more, is what Trump voters cheer and vote for. Like I said, it's who they are.

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