
Sunday, June 28, 2020

I Hope The Biden Republicans Help Us Beat Trump. But What Happens If They Take Over The Democratic Party The Way They've Taken Over So Much Of MSNBC?

David Brooks is a conservative Republican-- but not a Trump-Republican. He's more a Bush/Clinton/Biden Republican. He's all for the old-fashioned anti-family Austerity and elitism they all love so much-- without the messy proto-fascist populism and overt lying. In his column Friday, he laid out the "five gigantic changes happening in America right now" and described them as "reflecting a huge crisis and hitting all at once, creat[ing] a moral, spiritual and emotional disaster. Ready?
The first is that we are losing the fight against Covid-19. Our behavior doesn’t have anything to do with the reality around us. We just got tired so we’re giving up.
Second, all Americans, but especially white Americans, are undergoing a rapid education on the burdens African-Americans carry every day. This education is continuing, but already public opinion is shifting with astonishing speed.
Third, we’re in the middle of a political realignment. The American public is vehemently rejecting Donald Trump’s Republican Party. The most telling sign is that the party has even given up on itself, a personality cult whose cult leader is over.
Fourth, a quasi-religion is seeking control of America’s cultural institutions. The acolytes of this quasi-religion, Social Justice, hew to a simplifying ideology: History is essentially a power struggle between groups, some of which are oppressors and others of which are oppressed. Viewpoints are not explorations of truth; they are weapons that dominant groups use to maintain their place in the power structure. Words can thus be a form of violence that has to be regulated.
Fifth, we could be on the verge of a prolonged economic depression. State and household budgets are in meltdown, some businesses are failing and many others are on the brink, the continuing health emergency will mean economic activity cannot fully resume.
Since Biden doesn't have a real platform-- nor even a reason for running other than because he's always wanted to be president-- he could run on Brooks' moaning and groaning.

Brooks wrote that "Americans look around the world and see that other nations are beating Covid-19 and we are failing... America doesn’t seem very exceptional." Doesn't he read Krugman? Krugman explained why we're losing the fight against COVID-19: Trump and his enablers, who couldn't even take the most basic precautions-- like admitting there was a problem and, then, requiring the use of face masks, the way normal countries did. "In times like this," wrote Brooks, "you’ve got to have a theory of change. The loudest theory of change is coming from the Social Justice movement." Sounds good to me... just not to Brooks and his class. That's where his warning about a "moral, spiritual and emotional disaster" comes in.

And sure enough: "I know a lot of people aren’t excited about him, but I thank God that Joe Biden is going to be nominated by the Democratic Party. He came to public life when it wasn’t about performing your zeal, it was about crafting coalitions and legislating. He exudes a spirit that is about empathy and friendship not animosity and canceling. The pragmatic spirit of the New Deal is a more apt guide for the years ahead than the spirit of critical theory symbology."


  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    What do you mean "IF"???

    Corporate "Democrats" ARE Republicans. They will do as their corporate owners tell them to do - including allowing Republicans to take over the Party, which now occupies a space on the political spectrum where the Eisenhower Republicans once occupied.

  2. Anonymous8:03 PM

    republicans is a cult that is now purely Nazi in ideology.

    democraps is a cult that is now purely corrupt neoliberal fascist... what the republican cult was until about 1990.

    thus, the democrap party ARE republicans... and getting worse. very rapidly.

    so DWT is now lauding david brooks? He loves biden not because biden is NOT an ocean of flaming pig shit... but because he learned his racism from some of the best (strom Thurmond) and because he learned how to use the DLC to fine-tune his corruption and learned neoliberalism from slick willie and learned fascism from his republican pals between 1970 and today? come to think of it, all that makes him an ocean of flaming pig shit!

    but david fucking brooks likes him... so now DWT trots out david fucking brooks?

    I suppose nobody else smells the stench.

  3. You continue to do everything you can to promote neoconization of the Dems, by promoting their neo-coldwar attacks on Trump from the right. They are clearly designed to start a war with Russia. The latest being the accusation that Putin put a bounty on soldiers in Afghanistan with Trump's knowledge. Obvious agitprop, since 1)we did it in Syria under Obama against Russians, and 2)Talibans don't need any money to want to attack the USA. You promoted it anyway. In my opinion it is a done deal and you have only your limo-lib "Committee to Investigate Russia," selves to blame.

  4. Re 1 reply Anonymous:

    Neocons are to the right of Eisenhower on the the Military Industrial Complex.

    They also invented Cancel Culture. Look at what they did to the 2 state solution, and its advocates.

    As for being champions of the New Deal. FDR would "welcome their hate," along with all the other "Economic Royalists!"

    They also invented Trump's political career. This is just about making the dems submit to war with Iran, like the GOP.

  5. Anonymous3:07 AM

    Nice try, Dameocrat. Didn't address a single point I raised. You clearly aren't old enough to remember what an Eisenhower Republican was like.
