
Friday, June 19, 2020

A Completely Morally Odious Individual You Would Not Want In Your Organization Or Anywhere Around You

"Guess what," said Chris Hayes Wednesday night in a brilliant commentary (above) on the Bolton-Trump revelations, "Donald Trump is exactly as terrible as we thought he was and John Bolton is exactly who we thought he was as well. That afternoon, we had all read how Trump begged President Xi Jinping of China to help him win reelection. Today in an interview Trump did with the Wall Street Journal's Michael Bender, he struck out at Xi. "He said that the country was nearing the end of the coronavirus pandemic," wrote Bender, and that he believed China may have encouraged the international spread of coronavirus as a way to destabilize competing economies. 'There’s a chance it was intentional,' Mr. Trump said... Trump said China may have had economic motives for letting coronavirus spread beyond its own border. Asked if that was to extend economic consequences, Mr. Trump said: 'Correct. They’re saying, man, we’re in a mess. The United States is killing us. Don’t forget, my economy during the last year and a half was blowing them away. And the reason is the tariffs.'"

Trump admitted he may be wrong and admitted he has no intelligence to support the claim, only an internal sense, which may be wrong. "But it has had an impact,” he told Bender.
Trump spent a significant portion of the interview criticizing John Bolton, his former national security adviser, for writing a scathing book about the president’s handling of foreign policy. In the book, Mr. Bolton says Mr. Trump’s decision making prioritized his re-election over the national interest and said the president had a penchant for “giving personal favors to dictators he liked.”

“The only thing I liked about Bolton was that everybody thought he was crazy,” Mr. Trump said. “When you walk into the room with him, you’re in a good negotiating position, because they figure you’re going to war if John Bolton was there.”
CNN's Nicole Gaouette summarized what we've learned so far from The Room Where It Happened, Bolton's still unpublished book-- which Trump is fighting to keep from ever being published.. or at least not before the first Tuesday of November. (The book is supposed to come out Tuesday, as voters in New York, Kentucky and Virginia head to the polls.)
Trump asked Chinese President Xi Jinping for help in getting reelected

Bolton described a conversation between the two world leaders at the June 2019 G-20 meeting in Osaka, Japan, where Trump told Xi that Midwestern farmers were key to his reelection in November 2020. Trump urged Xi to buoy his political fortunes by buying American agricultural products, linking a promise to waive some tariffs on China in exchange. Trump "stressed the importance of farmers and increased Chinese purchases of soybeans and wheat in the electoral outcome," Bolton wrote.

Bolton also says that it's hard for him to think of a single decision Trump made during his stint at the White House "that wasn't driven by reelection calculations."

Trump had no problem with China's concentration camps

Bolton describes several instances where Trump waffles on China-related issues after conversations with Xi, notably on the mass concentration camps Beijing was using to imprison and "re-educate" Uyghur Muslims. Bolton writes that according to the US interpreter in the room during a conversation between Xi and Trump at the G-20 meeting in June 2019, Trump said that Xi should go ahead with building the camps, which Trump thought was "exactly the right thing to do."

Bolton adds that Trump didn't want to sanction China for their crackdown on the Muslim minority because of ongoing trade negotiations. "Religious repression in China was also not on Trump's agenda; whether it was the Catholic Church or Falun Gong, it didn't register," Bolton writes.

Pompeo, famously loyal to the President, may have trash-talked him

Bolton describes a meeting between Trump and Kim Jong Un in which the North Korean despot blamed troubled relations between his country and the US on the actions of prior administrations. Emphasizing the meetings he and Trump had held, Kim told the President that they could dispel mistrust and work quickly toward a nuclear agreement. After Trump told Kim that he would seek Senate ratification of any agreement with North Korea, Bolton writes that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo passed him a notepad. On it was scribbled the message, "he is so full of shit."

"I agreed," Bolton writes, going on to note that Kim promised no further nuclear tests. The State Department has not responded to CNN's request for comment about Pompeo's alleged note.

Trump offered to help Turkey's leader avoid a Justice Department probe

Bolton writes that in December 2018, Trump offered to help Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan with a Justice Department investigation into a Turkish bank with ties to Erdogan that was suspected of violating US Iran sanctions. When the Turkish leader presented Trump with a memo from the law firm representing Halkbank, Trump flipped through it and then declared he believed the bank was totally innocent of violating US sanctions related to Iran.

Trump told Erdogan he would "take care of things," and explained that the Southern District prosecutors "were not his people, but were Obama people," and the problem would be fixed when they were replaced by his people.

Bolton notes that "this was all nonsense" because the Justice Department prosecutors were career employees who would have taken the same path with the Halkbank probe regardless of who was president.

The Israeli prime minister didn't understand why Kushner led on Middle East peace

Before joining Trump's White House, Bolton says he had a conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who questioned Jared Kushner's role in developing a Middle East peace plan.

Netanyahu "was dubious about assigning the task of bringing an end to the Israel-Palestinian conflict to Kushner, whose family Netanyahu had known for many years. He was enough of a politician not to oppose the idea publicly, but like much of the world, he wondered why Kushner thought he would succeed where the likes of Kissinger had failed."

The White House decision-making process was like a 'food fight'

Bolton says the weekly meetings to discuss issues, chaired by Trump in the Roosevelt Room or the Oval Office, more closely resembled college food fights than careful decision-making, with no lower-level effort or involvement by the relevant agencies to sort out the issues and the options. "After these sessions, had I believed in yoga, I probably could have used some," Bolton wrote.

It's a theme Bolton returns to more than once, describing a mercurial President who has little interest in learning how the federal government worked. Instead, he describes Trump as very focused on how decisions will play in the media.

Trump didn't like sanctions on Russia

Bolton claims that Trump privately complained about sanctions and other punitive measures imposed on Russia with "extended grumbling and complaining," even as he touted them in public.

After the US announced a first round of sanctions on Russia for poisoning former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the UK, Bolton said Trump wanted to rescind the penalties and thought they were being too tough on Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"Trump told Pompeo to call Lavrov and say 'some bureaucrat' had published the sanctions-- a call that may or may not have ever taken place," Bolton wrote.

Bolton also claimed Trump stopped the issue of a statement criticizing Russia on the tenth anniversary of its invasion of Georgia. The former national security adviser writes that these actions were a reflection of Trump's "difficulty in separating personal from official relations."

Trump's revealing questions: Is Finland a part of Russia?

Before the summit with Putin in Helsinki, Trump asked his advisers if Finland was a part of Russia, or whether it was a "kind of satellite of Russia."

On his way to the Helsinki meeting, Trump stopped to see then-British Prime Minister Theresa May in the UK. During that meeting, May's national security adviser, speaking about the Skripal poisoning, referred to the attack as one on a nuclear power. "Trump asked, 'oh, are you a nuclear power?,' which I knew was not intended as a joke," Bolton wrote.

And on multiple occasions, Bolton said Trump repeatedly mixed up Afghan President Ashraf Ghani with former President Hamid Karzai.

Trump told people that Venezuela is 'really part of the US' and wanted to invade

Bolton writes that in discussions about toppling the regime of Nicolas Maduro, Trump "insisted on military options for Venezuela," telling advisers that the country "is really part of the United States." During a March 2019 meeting at the Pentagon, Trump grilled military leaders about why the US was in Afghanistan and Iraq, but not in Venezuela.

Trump's repeated insistence that military options be considered to oust Maduro often shocked aides, lawmakers and advisers, Bolton writes. In a meeting with Florida Republicans, "Trump still wanted a military option," leaving Sen. Rick Scott and Gov. Ron Desantis "plainly stunned," while Sen. Marco Rubio, who had heard Trump on the subject before "knew how to deflect it politely."

Trump wanted Attorney General Bill Barr to make CNN reporters 'serve time in jail'

When news leaked about a hush-hush meeting on Afghanistan at Trump's Bedminster resort, Trump complained that CNN had reported the summit was taking place, Bolton writes. The President told White House counsel Pat Cipollone to call Attorney General Bill Barr about his desire to "arrest the reporters, force them to serve time in jail, and then demand they disclose their sources."
Now you don't have to buy it and put money in Bolton's pocket. Oh, one more thing. Late yesterday, Gabe Sherman, writing for Vanity Fair, revealed that exact words that Trump used when he begged Xi for help with his re-election bid:
According to an unredacted passage shown to Vanity Fair by a source, Trump’s ask is even more crudely shocking when you read Trump’s specific language. "Make sure I win," Trump allegedly told Xi during a dinner at the G20 conference in Osaka, Japan last summer. "I will probably win anyway, so don’t hurt my farms... Buy a lot of soybeans and wheat and make sure we win." ...Another passage shows Trump’s racist views on immigration. Bolton describes how Trump derailed a White House meeting about Iran strategy by bringing up a right wing conspiracy that Black South Africans were killing white South African farmers and stealing their land. According to Bolton, Trump blurted out that he wanted to grant the white South Africans "asylum and citizenship."


  1. Anonymous6:21 AM

    I read the title and wondered who it was about. First thought: biden. but then I realized that DWT has ended its truth-telling about biden so it can pass out the Maalox and beg everyone to vote for him.

    coulda been pelo$i or hoyer. Or any democrap senator. or any of scummer's money-picked new candidates.

    coulda been barr for sure.

    but it's only more trump with a little Bolton tossed in.

    then I wondered how the usa became such a shithole that when you read the title, you can picture pretty much everyone in government for good reason.

    then I remembered. voters.

  2. Anonymous6:38 AM

    you realize that this guy could very well get RE-elected... right?

  3. Allie6:40 AM

    6:21, I saw the title and thought it was about you.

  4. Anonymous6:52 AM

    If Trump is seen as Tiberius, and Bolton is seen as Sejanus, this is about to get REALLY ugly. The nation has many issues which need to be addressed, and these two old fools are going to have a pissing contest.

    Meanwhile, the Democrats do nothing except try to push a third old fool upon us as the replacement.

  5. Anonymous4:50 PM

    no, 6:52, the democraps have both thumbs up their ass hoping the pissing contest makes their old skidmark more electable.

    remember 2006-2008?

  6. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Of course you did, 6:40. You've been rootbound in your pot for quite some time.

  7. Anonymous6:35 PM

    I remember it well, 4:50. Worked out damn well - for the Republicans! After all, they did have a "moderate 1985 Reagan Republican" pretending to be a Democrap doing their dirty work for them. With Biden being a 1970's Strom Thurmond Republican, the Nazis can't wait for him to get elected. They will get everything they want without having to work for it.

  8. Richard Langly7:19 PM

    4:50, Your lifelong toilet training issues have come roaring back. You had been doing a little better but it looks like you couldn't control it anymore - demoCRAPS, thumbs up ass, pissing contest, skidmark...all in one sentence. Have you stopped seeing your shrink? At least you managed to get through a comment without saying your trademark 'shithole'. Congratulations.

  9. Anonymous11:40 PM

    You have the wrong regular, doofus 7:19. I'm sure the one you thought I was will come along and give you what you are asking for - not that you will learn anything from the experience.

  10. Anonymous7:27 AM

    yes, 6:35. they'll finally put the SSI trust fund in the hands of wall street, and cut outlays for all sustenance programs to hasten the deaths of 50 million elders.

    btw: a reasonably good piece on the fed currently blowing more bubbles. Give them $3 trillion more to bet poorly, and the fed and treasury will have to print a lot more to keep up:

    thank the gawds that obamanation and democraps (dodd, frank, Pelosi, reid, scummer, hoyer, warren, bernie... et al) "fixed" banking back in 2009-15!!
