Friday, February 21, 2020

Turning Texas Bluer-- For Real


Sane people don't think of the Green New Deal as "Fools Gold"

As you may recall, Mike Siegel fought a tireless grassroots battle in the gerrymandered 10th Texas congressional district, which goes from northern Austin through the city's northern suburbs, across Bastrop, Lee, Fayette, Colorado, Washington, Austin and Waller counties all the way into the exurbs (Tomball, Bridgeland and Cypress) northwest of Houston. The DCCC braintrust declared the district unwinnable and ignored the race entirely, even going so far as to urge local organizations to not contribute to Mike and help them in other districts instead. So, with no help from the DCCC at all, Mike held the incumbent Trump puppet-- architect of the family separation policy-- down to a 51.1% win. Two years earlier, Trump won the district by 11 points.

Mike decided to finished what he had begun, building of the grassroots energy of 2018 to defeat Michael McCaul in 2020. The DCCC decided he is too progressive for the district and has been surreptitiously supporting a Republican-voting elite EMILY's List creation named Shannon Hutcheson who is running a DCCC-approved GOP-lite campaign. That helped Mike win every single local endorsement in the race, most recently, the Harris County and Austin Tejano Democrats, the representation of the old guard in the Mexican-American community.

This people power has enabled Siegel's campaign to knock 34,000 doors to date and identify a huge number of likely supporters before the upcoming March 3 primary.

Recently, though, another wealthy non-grassroots candidate with virtually no chance to win, Pritesh Gandhi, has come out very negatively against Hutcheson, his SuperPAC allies at 314 Action spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on mailers like these two, hammering home a message by a candidate who doesn't have an inspiring positive message of his own:

Goal ThermometerAs far as I can tell, the piece has had an impact in a district that hasn't seen negative campaigning like this since before the 2003 Texas gerrymander. Seems to have the combined effect of turning some voters away from Gandhi (for going negative), and turning some away from Hutcheson. The mailer was sent only to women Democratic voters. Gandhi is not only attacking Shannon but also attacking Siegel-- but for progressive policies. After originally claiming he supports progressive healthcare solutions, Gandhi (like his favorite presidential candidate, Mayo Pete) has now explicitly disavowed Medicare-for-All. He recently referred to both the Green New Deal and Medicare-for-All-- major planks in Mike Siegel's platform-- as "fools' gold" and "pipe dreams." Strangely, he considers FDR-- whose New Deal was referred to by conservative Democrats as "fools' gold and a "pipe dream"-- his favorite president.

Blue America has a page exclusively devoted to helping turn Texas blue. You can contribute to our progressive candidates by clicking on the thermometer above. Another one of the candidates on that page, as a matter of fact, has a spectacular new video I hope you'll watch. This shows who Jessica Cisneros is much better than I've ever seen before. Like Mike Siegel, she's what me need in Congress if we want to get serious about fundamental change in our country.

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At 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

TX is not ever going to turn blue. In MASSIVE anti-red years, it may fail to be as red. But that's not the same thing.

Besides, if TX did ever turn blue, the democrap party would have to do the following to keep it (and they'd REALLY want to keep it for their electoral votes):

1) never EVER even make noises about gun control. I'm not sure any state is as rabidly/insanely pro-gun as TX.
2) never EVER even make a whisper of a noise about GND. TX is big oil and fracking. 'nuf said.
3) never EVER even make a whisper of a noise about womens' equality or the ERA. Southern Baptists.. 'nuf said.

note: if TX ever becomes 70% Hispanic, this might be revisited. But prolly not in my kids' lifetimes.

Now, the democrap party remains relevant by allowing their candidates to TALK about GGW. Granted, they'll never DO anything about any of them except maybe a minor tweak on Women... but even talking about them would turn TX instantly crimson again.

As they always do, the democraps will try (badly) to finesse TX with the rest of the shithole... and they'll probably make TX go crimson forever... or lose half of CA/NY in the attempt. Either way, they will remain barely able to field an electorate competitive with the American Nazi demographic.

It's not really their fault. They need to pander to 65 million morons while they serve, faithfully, corporations and the odd billionaire like Buffet and Soros. As long as very few of the 65 million extract their melons from the stink, they can be somewhat competitive.

Now, if somehow some way a truly left movement could coalesce, maybe enough of the 80 million that don't vote could come out to join the 65 million who do... and maybe we'd have a chance.

but that won't ever be the current democrap party.


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