
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Pelosi's Warns Against Progressives-- Progressives Need To Man Up And Warn About A Real Danger: Pelosi And Her Special Interests-Politics

Pelosi's in DC today-- back from Britain, where she spoke at the London School of Economics and laid out her political vision-- one that has, over the years, devolved from hearty progressivism to abject, loot-inspired centrism. She's officially one of them now, not one of us. In recent weeks she's been inviting actual progressives into her office to threaten them, insisting they not endorse Bernie. One gentleman who gently pushed back against the dictator, emerged white as a ghost; he changed his mind about endorsing Bernie for the time being.

Pelosi, Trump and McTurtle are the 3 most detested politicians in America. The country would be way better off without any of them. Now that would be an awesome Grand Bargain! Maybe Pelosi is envious that Trump is so much more hated than she is in Britain. It's the only way I can describe her jaunt over there during the congressional spring break, a jaunt that saw her inappropriately interfering in U.K. politics over Brexit and in the fight between Labour and the Conservatives. The Jerusalem Post reported that Pelosi "made combating antisemitism on the left a centerpiece of her stop in London. She met with three members of Parliament who defected from the Labour Party in large part because they said its leader, Jeremy Corbyn, did not adequately address antisemitism within the party. She also met separately with Corbyn and raised the importance of fighting antisemitism in that meeting as well." I guess she told him what a great job of not supporting Ilhan Omar she did.

While she was over there she stopped at the London School of Economics "to set out a centrist vision that could help woo Republican voters frustrated with Trump's approach. For every Republican voter she woos with her centrist agenda, we'll discourage 5 Democrats... with her centrist agenda.

More senile by the day and crazy as a loon, she warned that Democrats must avoid the "menace" of liberal policies pushed by rising political stars if it wants to beat President Donald Trump in the 2020 election."

The unwritten rules that Trump never ever plays by, kept her from criticizing her overseas-- what a joke-- but she did feel free to criticize AOC instead.
"When we won this election, it wasn't in districts like mine or Alexandria's," Pelosi said in reference to the November midterms in which the Democrats gained control of the House of Representatives.

"Those are districts that are solidly Democratic-- this glass of whatever would win with a D next to its name in those districts," said the Speaker after picking up a glass off a coffee table.
I hope Shahid Buttar is listening that his primary opponent thinks her constituents would vote for a glass of water. At least it explains why they're stuck with her as she morphed from being a progressive to being a mainstay of the status quo, not the except opposite of a progressive. Nancy Pelosi, whether she wants to look in the mirror or not, is an ex-progressive today... a self-loathing ex-progressive who never really believed anyway. She was a good tactician and got some intermediary things done along the way, but now she's in the way-- in the way of Medicare-For-All, in the Way of a Green New Deal, in the way of a $15 minimum wage and in the way of replacing Trump with a progressive.
Pelosi touted her own liberal upbringing and accomplishments representing the deeply Democratic voters of San Francisco.

"I can compare my liberal credentials across the board. I said to them: 'Anything you're about, I got that sign in my basement 20 years ago'," Pelosi said.

But "what we are saying is, to have a message that appeals to people in a way that does not menace them," she said.

"I share those values-- but we must win."
She does not share those values. She goes to work every single day and undermines those values. That she still may believe that she's a progressive is actually scary, considering what a total wretch she has turned into. She even did it on her vacation in Europe.

Democrats don't win by pretending to be Democrats. Did she forget? Allow me to string together some famous quotes by Harry Truman that Pelosi needs to be reminded of: "Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better... America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand." Let me add 2 by Howard Dean: "The way we're going to win elections in this country is not to become Republican lite. The way we're going to win elections in this country is to stand up for what we believe in... So what we-- all we really want, I think, from the so-called Democratic wing of the Democratic Party is really to stand up for what we believe in... I hate Republicans and everything they stand for." When Democrats run as Republican-right candidates, they lose because people would rather vote for a real Republican. Pelosi should know all this.


  1. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Pelosi must have forgotten 2010 already. You know - the first time she lost the gavel.

    Serve the people, or leave office in ignomy.

  2. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I agree that she is wrong and way to ready to appease the right, but she is not senile or crazy.that is a cheap shot

  3. LOL. It was only four months ago that you told us that all progressives have to support Nancy's election to Speaker. You just found out what we all already knew. You are the slow one.

  4. Anonymous6:46 PM

    amen, edmondo.

    1) it's fascism. it's not centrism. look those words up in Webster's.

    2) Pelosi got there decades ago. look up her record. look up her record of refusing to do the job of a congressperson as spelled out in the constitution.

    your soft-selling of Pelosi is basically a lie. if you need to lie to make your point, your point is not worth making.

  5. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Pelosi has done good things for the party in the past. However, her usefulness is past and she needs to retire. Period!

  6. Anonymous5:51 AM

    1:17, she also knows that if she hangs on long enough, we'll give the gavel back to her... and she can rake an order of magnitude more now with all the superpacs' dark money. All she has to do is appear to be less evil than the Nazis.

    3:24, I personally witnessed her babbling incoherently as she was being led by handlers between chambers in the capital. This was in 2017. She can get it together for pressers, so maybe her meds were off... I don't know.

    edmondo makes another solid point. hypocrisy is not unique to the Nazis.
