
Friday, April 26, 2019

Mitch McTurtle-- The Personification Of Death Itself

Every year, Morning Consult puts out a national survey of all 50 states to determine how their residents feel about the states' two senators. And every year Bernie is the most beloved and McTurtle is the most detested. This year's survey, out this week, was no different: Bernie #1, McTurtle #100.

Thinking about the 2020 elections, these are the seven senators who will be facing the voters next year with bad approve/disapprove ratios:
Mitch McConnell (R-KY)-- 36% approve, 50% disapprove
Thom Tillis (R-NC)-- 34% approve, 33% disapprove
Martha McSally (R-AZ)-- 35% approve, 35% disapprove
Cory Gardner (R-CO)-- 35% approve, 35% disapprove
Dick Durbin (D-IL)-- 37% approve, 35% disapprove
Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS)-- 38% approve, 37% disapprove
Joni Ernst (R-IA)-- 40% approve, 37% disapprove
Last week, the unpopular McTurtle was campaigning in front of a small group of right-wing Kentucky fat-cats when he boasted how he would continue gumming up the system next year-- if he's reelected-- to make sure no progressive legislation passing by the House is voted on in the Senate:
"If I'm still the majority leader of the Senate after next year, none of those things are going to pass the Senate. They won't even be voted on. So think of me as the Grim Reaper: the guy who is going to make sure that socialism doesn't land on the president's desk."
CBS News reported that "before referring to himself as the personification of death, McConnell, the White House's most powerful ally on Capitol Hill, accused Democrats in Congress and those running for president of endorsing a fringe, far-left agenda that will imperil the American economy. 'You pass the Green New Deal and Medicare for All, you have fundamentally changed this country, fundamentally changed it into an unproductive place with significant unemployment and huge problems,' McConnell said, noting that some of his colleagues in the Senate who are running for president, like Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris and Cory Booker, have vouched their support for both proposals. McConnell said progressive platforms are being touted by most mainstream Democrats, not just 'some young woman from New York who just got elected to Congress,' presumably referring to freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who represents parts of Queens and the Bronx. 'It's much broader than that,' McConnell said."

Not much new there. When haven't conservatives smeared progressive proposals to help working families as "socialism" or "communism" or whatever nonsense popped into their minds? Versions of McTurtle from the 1700s on have fought tooth and nail to prevent progressive ideas from taking hold. A decade ago, Mike Lux did a great book about it, The Progressive Revolution, in which he laid out many of the progressive initiatives that entailed winning bloody battles (sometimes literally) against conservative opponents. These are the battles we won against the McTurtles of American history:
The American Revolution
The Bill of Rights and the forging of a democracy
Universal white male suffrage
Public education
The emancipation of the slaves
The national park system
Food safety
The breakup of monopolies
The Homestead Act
Land grant universities
Rural electrification
Women’s suffrage
The abolition of child labor
The eight hour workday
The minimum wage
Social Security
Civil rights for minorities and women
Voting rights for minorities and the poor
Cleaning up our air, our water, and toxic dump sites
Consumer product safety
Medicare and Medicaid
Yes, Republicans referred to the dozen or so final ones as "socialism" and used the same scaremongering McTurtle uses about them today when they fought them back in the day. Today Trump and McTurtle aren't content blocking new progressive proposals, they are working actively to roll back the fruits of progressives victories going back over a century.

As repulsive and corrupt as the DC Democrats are, they are basically what stands between us and the conservative vision of America that includes none of that progress. Look, I went to high school with Chuck Schumer; believe me when I tell you I despise him far more than you do. But Friday he was correct when he said that McTurtle has turned the Senate into "a legislative graveyard... Leader McConnell ought to allow debate and amendments immediately-- which Democrats would welcome-- on commonsense, House-passed bills on democracy reform, combating the gun violence epidemic, health care, and so much more... On getting anything done to help the American people, Leader McConnell and the Senate Republicans in the first 100 days get an 'F'."

Earlier Friday, Pelosi-- who has plenty of flaws and shouldn't be speaker-- also took on McTurtle's decision to play the Grim Reaper. In a letter to House Democrats, she blasted McTurtle's approach to making himself into an obstacle to all progressive legislation:
In our first 100 days, the House was busy passing vital bipartisan legislation that addresses the issues that matter in the lives of the American people.

The House has sent the Senate legislation that has strong bipartisan support across the country, consistent with our For The People agenda. We urge Senator McConnell to take up the legislation as soon as possible.
H.R. 1 – the For The People Act to restore confidence in our democracy;
H.R. 8 & H.R. 1112 – the Bipartisan Background Checks Act and the Enhanced Background Checks Act, commonsense gun violence prevention measures;
H.R. 7 – the Paycheck Fairness Act, to ensure that women receive equal pay for equal work;
H.R. 1585 – Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, a strong improvement and long-term reauthorization of VAWA;
H.R. 1644 – the Save The Internet Act to restore vital Net Neutrality protections.

In the coming weeks, we will be taking action on:

The Protecting People with Pre-existing Conditions Act and other legislation to lower health costs by reducing prescription drug prices;
H.R. 9 – the Climate Action Now Act to preserve the Paris Climate Accord and lay the foundation for more action;
H.R. 5 – the Equality Act to end discrimination against LGBTQ Americans;
H.R. 6 – the American Dream and Promise Act to protect Dreamers, TPS and DED recipients.
Our progress For The People stands in stark contrast to the inaction of the GOP-controlled Senate. The Republican Senate needs to wake up, and vote on these urgently needed bills immediately. If they don’t like our bipartisan bills, then they can pass their own version and we can go to conference.

Leader McConnell has declared himself the “grim reaper” of these House bills to make progress for working families. We will show him that these bills are alive and well with the American people. The middle class and America don’t want the Senate to be a legislative graveyard for so many of these important issues-- they want action.


  1. Anonymous2:34 PM

    ". . . you have fundamentally changed this country . . . into an unproductive place with significant unemployment and huge problems . . ."

    Says Mitch the Bitch into his mirror every morning. Unless someone were to look at the U6 number, the true unemployment picture isn't evident. Mitch won't go there, because being in the presence of Truth burns!

    In another venue, Pelosi bragged about getting six pieces of legislation through the House which she controls. FDR managed to enact 14 major pieces of legislation in the same time frame while repairing the banks and and taking the US off the gold standard. Even if she got the "pending" bills through to passage, her efforts still pale in comparison - and the investigations into Trump will take time and effort away from that goal - IF she were to actually do her job as We the People expect of her.

    Pelosi is correct to blast McTurtle for obstructionism, but she spent more time battling progressives and ensuring that only capitalism wins in the House.

    Maybe she uses the same mirror?

  2. Anonymous9:20 PM

    2:34 you vastly overestimate Pelosi. "major" to her does not mean the same thing as it meant to FDR. she has done NOTHING major in her career. In fact, she's aborted more "major" lege in the womb than she's accidentally allowed to come up for a vote. MFA, GND, $15 (a joke in and of itself), free college, impeaching cheney, impeaching trump... etc. are all zygotes aborted by Pelosi and her donors' money.

    this is an overly long piece that says what we already know. it is irrelevant how hated mcturtle is nationally. it is only relevant that he only needs to run in fucking KY and he'll win elections there long after he dies. Where voters hate the rest of the "union", he can win. And his vow to ratfuck everyone in the entire union resonates in such places.

    It's a shame that maybe the worst Nazi can have the lives of all 320 million of us for his amusement simply because he can be elected by a white, stupid, racist majority in a tiny pipsqueak inbred pos state like fucking KY.

    I can say the exact same thing about Pelosi, who is spending her latest 2 years with the gavel just as she did her previous 4... smothering more stuff than she ever could pass.

    Actually, it's true of anyone elevated by the money to the position of chamber tyrant.

    Another antidemocratic feature cooked into this rancid goulash of a system.

  3. Anonymous12:17 PM

    all the bills you list are just an attempt to put bunting on a collapsing roman coliseum. It'll pretty it up a little, but it'll still be a fundamentally collapsing relic.

    Nothing mentioned will change the collapse vector at all, though it's probably enough pretense to satisfy those moron lefties who regularly participate.
    Those morons are easy to placate with pretty bunting.

    Those morons are the ones who still revere bill Clinton and obamanation.
