Monday, April 01, 2019

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

Remember the letter Trump got from his doctor? The one that stated "If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency." Lot's of credibility there, eh? It's also the one that Dr. Bornstein later recanted, saying that he was forced into writing it. Later, the good doctor's office was raided by some unidentified perps who made off with Trump's medical records. Now we have the Attorney General who is owned and operated by Trump writing a letter about the Mueller Report. Has anyone ever even seen Bornstein and Barr in the same room at the same time? Put a wig and a fake beard on Barr and who could tell the difference?

Now, we know that not only did Barr take an active role in the Iran-Contra coverup but Barr's son-in-law recently got some kind of vague "legal consultant" job in the Trump Administration. Can anyone be forgiven for asking how long before Barr's wife goes around sporting a new sapphire necklace? Money talks everywhere but nowhere does it scream as loud as it does in Washington. Barr isn't the first man who sold whatever integrity he had. It's just that not everyone gets to sellout his country at the same time.

Perhaps Walter Shaub (below) said it best:

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At 5:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

AGs have done the bidding of their president or their party or their party's donors since at least 2000.

gonzalez committed voter suppression, committed many frivolous prosecutions toward that end and had articles of impeachment proffered by Kucinich (spiked by Pelosi, duh!).
holder refused to prosecute anyone for $21 trillion in finance fraud nor anyone for torture, which was admitted by obamanation and boasted about by cheney.
barr is trump's firewall for whateverthefuck is in Mueller's report... and who knows what else.

to name 3.

did you do a meme on holder?

At 2:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only Republicans allow themselves to maximally use the law against others even for trivial offenses. They have managed to frighten their so-called opposition against attempting to do so against Republicans no matter how egregious the offense. Thus, they have put themselves above the law, meaning that there is no government ruled by law but by fiat. No modern country can survive long under such a system.

At 6:05 AM, Blogger John said...

Note: For abbreviated links included below, put "www." in front of each of them, put the resultant URL in your browser address bar, etc.

1. Sorry, the reports of Special Counsels' go to the Attorney General.
(It's like an Electoral College thing, you know, the before-the-fact agreed
upon rules to avoid needless squabble later.)

If you don't like the GOP AG pick, then you can try to elect a Dem president.
But, of course, last time that happened we got an AG for whom the issue of
4.5 million families getting thrown out of their houses (some actually legally)
was just "too complex" to deal with.

Being outraged about Barr getting the Mueller report is as about as silly as the
underlying premise ... follows directly >>>

2. The premise is that Mueller was to be trusted. NEWS FLASH - Mueller is no more
an honest broker than are Barr or His Hairness himself.

Mueller made his name by "managing" the investigation of pappy Bush's international BCCI/BNL banking scandal. As described in the 1st link that follows: "The U.S. Senate later found that the probe had been unaccountably 'botched' – witnesses went missing, CIA records got 'lost,' all sorts of bad luck. Most of the big BCCI players went unpunished or got off with wrist-slap fines and sanctions."
Sound familiar?

Later Mueller, having got his payoff being appointed FBI chief, perjured himself before congress as he took part in the Cheney/Bush administration conspiracy of lies to "sell" the invasion of Iraq (the second such fraudulent Iraq invasion by a Bush crime family member).

Other various tidbits can be found at the second link that follows.


3. For those who still insist on believing the truthfulness of the findings of the Mueller report, the following is a quote of that report included in the Barr letter: " ...the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference ... "

Therefore, NO collusion with ALLEGED Russian meddling in 2016 election. This is the
most serious crime alleged, the only legitimate justification to name a special counsel and the only crime that "the Resistance©" could conceivably do anything about ... short of nuclear holocaust, i.e. "punishing" Russia, and Rootin' Tootin' Putin (aka RTP©), for alleged meddling in US elections.



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