
Friday, April 26, 2019

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah

The words "Republican love of country" just don't go together anymore. People like Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and Rudy Giuliani are the embodiment of that sad fact. Can you imagine going back to the 1950s and seeing Dwight Eisenhower have his lawyer go on national TV and say there's nothing wrong with working with the Russians on his campaigns? Both parties would have gotten together and impeached him in a single afternoon. Make that 2 hours. He would have been gone and put on a train to the nearest Federal penitentiary. Not even his war record would have saved him. But this is the Age Of Trump. We the people of this country are so far gone that we even tolerate TV personalities raising the level of their own disgracefulness by having Russia apologist Rudy Giuliani as a guest on their show. That's what NBC's Chuck Todd did on Sunday. That was the day Chuck Todd had Rudy on the once venerable Meet The Press. Even worse of course, we have 24 hours 'round the clock of FOX "News" which is nothing less than a TV network peopled by highly paid Russian assets who broadcast Tokyo Rose styled propaganda. We still have a government funded Voice Of America, which has never been perfect, to say the least, but, people like Rudy Giuliani and his fellow "Hacks For Trump" on FOX are determined to be the Voice Of Putin. And, they are proud of it. In Ike's time, Russian assets infiltrated and operated in secrecy, undercover. Now they seek and get the spotlights and national airtime. Hell, they even get elected to the highest offices in the land!

Meanwhile, no one echos the famous words of former Chief Counsel of The United States Army Joseph Nye Welch who, during the infamous 1954 Army/McCarthy hearings, asked Senator Joseph McCarthy, a slimy little worm of a man who saw Russians lurking in every dark corner whether they were there or not, "Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?"

Now, we have an America where Russian assets operate in the open and there's nothing imaginary about them. McCarthy could find tens and multiply it into imaginary tens of thousands in his frenzied mind. He self-immolated in doing so. Today, any of his targets that might have actually been working for Russia would have their own shows on FOX and elsewhere! This is how warped, twisted, and turned on its head our American society has become. At some point in the past, the patriotic part of the fabric of America was torn up into a million threads and randomly reassembled and re-twined into an alternate universe America, all with the approval of the people we are foolish enough to elect. Like I've always said, it's an Idiocracy thing.

It's worth noting that, back when Joseph Welch publicly confronted Joseph McCarthy on live television, McCarthy was working with the uber-corrupt prosecutor Roy Cohn who would become Donald Trump's mentor and lawyer before Cohn got himself disbarred. We are are a stranger brew than we care to acknowledge. Certainly, future historians will get it wrong due to a lack of path that makes sense. They won't see that a lack of sense and logic is the key.

If someone in a position of credible authority were to exist now, and that someone asked the decency question of Giuliani or any one of a multitude of politicians, the irony would be staggering, beyond staggering. Why would anyone need to ask? We're so far gone that if any writer pitched so-called Liberal Hollywood on a movie idea based on that premise, they would probably be blacklisted for life.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:59 AM

    "The medium is the message", and is "a vast wasteland."

    Where is Newton Minnow when he's really needed?
