As you can see in the video above, on Thursday-- 6 days after a completely garden variety, typical Trump supporter went on a shooting rampage and slaughtered 50 Muslims worshipping in 2 mosques-- New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced an immediate ban on all military-style semiautomatic weapons and assault rifles, along with a government buy-back program. Many have noted how different that quick and decisive decision by New Zealand's government was in comparison to the inability of the U.S. government to do anything about the gun-terrorism that continues to plague this country despite thousands and thousands of tragic deaths that horrify everyone except the death cult Trumpists, who absolutely revel in the mass murders.

Yesterday, in a report for CNN, Zachary Wolf asked why the U.S. hasn't been able to react the way New Zealand has, noting that "Twenty years after Columbine, the first of so many major mass shootings in the US, the federal government has done basically nothing. The federal assault weapons ban expired in 2004. Support for reinstating such a ban is less than 50%, according to recent polls." Wolf offered one sickening excuse after another that has made it impossible for the U.S. to ban assault weapons, some political, some cultural, some systemic-- all requiring, if they're to be overcome, the kind of political courage sorely tacking in contemporary U.S. politics. Think carefully before casting your next votes. The people you elect could kill you and your family by-- for example-- ignoring gun control, ignoring health care, ignoring climate change. This is serious stuff. If we don't take it seriously...
And that Missouri state legislator who introduced two bills <a href=">REQUIRING everyone to own both an AR-15 AND a handgun</a>?
ReplyDeleteToo many Republicans are too eager to start the Civil War they claim liberals are pushing for.
Judging by the NZ scumbag's manifesto, far from being a Trump supporter, chumbucket was a left-wing, racist, anti-capitalist, green, animal rights supporter. Trump? "As a policy maker and leader? Dear god no"
ReplyDeleteRather than being a transnational socialist, he appears to be the nationalist type, rather like both the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. His use of socialist Nazi (but I repeat myself) imagery also supports that.
Any semblance of "Socialism" in Adolph's street gang died with Ernst Rohm during the Night of the Long Knives, Carl. Nice try.