
Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Tom Steyer-- More Than Just Anti-Trump

Yesterday, we took a quick look at the presidential exploratory committee announcement from author and teacher Marianne Williamson. There was a comment from a reader who didn't find it as refreshing and hopeful as I did. "Sorry Howie, I do not think Ms. Williamson should zoom to the Presidency. She is not by any stretch qualified for this position, despite having some excellent views and political positions. We do not need another such individual becoming President without qualifications. She has little practice with politics. Her ego must be vast to even consider this, which rules her out in my mind. Unfortunately many such people are coming out of the woodwork to run for President. Michael Avenatti is another one."

Why isn't she qualified? Because she hasn't been part of the grubby DC snakebite for 4+ decades like Joe Biden? I find her more qualified in that regard. I think everyone who reads this blog knows I'm an iron-clad Bernie supporter. But I still want to present other candidates with worthwhile points of view. Marianne's holistic approach to politics is powerful and persuasive and something that everyone should mull over. Most of the professional politicians who have thrown their hates into the ring don't some close to her. John Delaney? Joaquin Castro? Tulsi Gabbart? The guy from Starbucks? Kirsten Gillibrand? Pete Buttigieg? Mitch Landrieu? Give me a break! What have any of these people ever accomplished that qualifies them to be president? Marianne has, on the other had, reached out and helped elevate the lives of millions of people.

I keep worrying that progressives are going to mix up anti-Trump messengers with progressives. That's silly-- but very, very common. People just love all those MSNBC #NeverTrumpers but they are all a bunch of conservatives. I'm glad they hate Trump and I'm glad they're speaking out and I'm glad someone them are so entertaining. But that's it! And there are plenty of Democrats doing the same thing and think that qualifies the for higher office. Michael Avenatti is the most obvious example. Thank God Adam Schiff isn't running, but people who should know better keep saying he'd make a good president. He wouldn't. He's a lifelong conservative.

And that brings us to Tom Steyer, best known for the millions of dollars he's spent calling for Trump's impeachment. I am so grateful he did that. But does it qualify him to be president? Not in my mind. Other things, though, may. Starting with the platform he's running on. The 5 rights video up top is an impressive statement to kick off a campaign. These are the five rights he's talking about:
the right to an equal vote
the right to clean air and clean water
the right to a free, quality public education
the right to earn a living wage
the right to universal healthcare
They're universal and timeless but especially pertinent now, in the age of Trump. They're also very Bernie-esque. Steyer explained in the video that over time he saw "big corporations buy our democracy and set the rules for the sake of their profits, not for the common good. Corporate lobbyists rigged the system, leaving the majority of Americans walled off from their dreams."

Good message-- enough so that I'll keep listening to what he has to say and take him, unlike, say, the absurd Starbucks guy or ridiculous opportunist Tulsi Gabbard, seriously.

This morning Morning Joe began with a not unexpected segment: The Worst Of The Illegitimate, Fake "President," SeƱor Trumpanzee, a good compendium of what America and the Democratic Party are up against between now and Election Day 2020. Few people understand how to take that on as well as Tom Steyer.


  1. Anonymous7:17 PM

    While Steyer represents the other end of the active Overton window, he's more likely to be to the right of the center of the entire political spectrum then not. Money tends to make the owner something of a dictator because of the power over people it represents. So my opinion is that he's not someone I'd encourage to seek the presidency, since while the direction of the power will change, the intensity won't.

  2. Anonymous7:03 AM

    The REAL problem is not one of candidates. It's one of voters. The democrap slate will look like the Nazi slate at the beginning of the last primary cycle, with so many opportunists looking for an opening that the networks had to pre-select a subset because even a fish-eye lens couldn't get them all onto a screen together.

    But their problem will also reflect the nazis' problem. They will represent a very slim band of the left spectrum -- that which they and the corporate media consider or deem "relevant".

    It'll also be a big group of liars trying to fool all those voters all the time. Heading that list will be your hero Bernie.

    When Bernie is free to talk without worrying about actions, he'll sound quite good. But give Bernie an opportunity to affect his ideas, you'll see what I've seen for decades -- the actions do not reflect the rhetoric... but he's also good at apologizing for his and the democraps inability to affect the actual rhetoric.

    By the time the dust settles on the 2020 'crap primaries, the money will have chosen 1 - 3 of their favorites; the imbecile voters will follow like the rats followed the pied piper; the DNC will "manage" to get their favorite of the 1 - 3 nominated; 20 million of the anti-red wave voters will be so pleased with the fascist whore that they'll stay home; and we'll watch in horror as trump wins a second term quite easily.
