
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah

Could Sandro Botticelli have predicted Trump when he painted The Birth Of Venus back in the late 15th century? Possibly, but that was in the midst of the Italian Renaissance, a time of progress. Still, that time certainly had way too many nasty conservatives who found plenty of sick ways to fight everything from science to humanity itself, often in the name of sociopathic religion. Sound familiar?

When I think of classic artists who would recognize Trump and see him for exactly what he is, I first think of Pieter Bruegel the Elder (See The Triumph Of Death below) but whoever borrowed Botticelli's classic and created tonight's meme (I'll call it The Birth Of Trumpism) is certainly a modern day human who sees Trump for the sick, corrupt, fraud of a human being that he is. I'm almost willing to bet that Putin has a nice blow up print of tonight's meme, or will very soon. Maybe he's even the one who made it. We will probably never know. I would, however love a print of it. I'd find a way to get into a Trump event, maybe post-presidential book signing or, better yet, maybe if I could visit him in jail under some ego-flattering false pretense. There he would be, in his orange jump suit and shaved head. He'd be sitting on the other side of the glass but I could unroll my print, show it to him and ask him if he'd sign it; in his own blood would be best. Don't worry. I'd wear gloves.

Oh, and if you think you can't unsee this meme, wait 'til you see tomorrow's. Just sayin', but sometimes we have to go wherever history leads if we're going to uncover, depict, and comment upon the nasty truth of the real world.


  1. Anonymous6:00 AM

    where is the swastika? you can't do that parody without a swastika. unthinkable. sad.

  2. Anonymous7:11 AM

    6:00, the T armband is the obvious equivalent of the swastika.

  3. Anonymous7:17 AM

    7:11, too vague. too esoteric. there should be a swastika.
