
Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Which Democrats Have The Worst Voting Records On The Environment?

Blue Dog Collin Peterson has the worst environmental record of any Democrat in Congress, worst than some Republicans'

Politically, the League of Conservation Voters tends to be a shill group for the DCCC and the establishment Dems. They love getting invited to DC cocktail parties and being treated "seriously" by the top Dems in Washington. They normally endorse awful Democrats from the Republican wing of the party. But this week they released their 2017 scorecard and it looks bad for some of the right-of-center Democrats in Congress. Here are the worst of them (lifetime scores):
Collin Peterson (Blue Dog-MN)- 32%
Henry Cuellar (Blue Dog-TX)- 41%
Jim Costa (Blue Dog-CA)- 47%
Sanford Bishop (Blue Dog-GA)- 50%
Al Lawson (FL)- 69%
Vicente Gonzales (Blue Dog-TX)- 71%
Kurt Schrader (Blue Dog-OR)- 71%
Filemon Vela (Blue Dog-TX)- 73%
Mike Doyle (PA)- 77%
Kyrsten Sinema (Blue Dog-AZ)- 78
Cedric Richmond (New Dem-LA)- 78%
Bobby Rush (IL)- 79%
Terri Sewell (New Dem-AL)- 80%
Sheila Jackson Lee (TX)- 80%
David Scott (New Dem)- 81%
Bennie Thompson (MS)- 81%
Pete Visclosky (IN)- 81%
Jim Cooper (Blue Dog-TN)- 82%
Steny Hoyer (MD)- 82%
Marcy Kaptur (OH)- 82%
Tim Walz (MN)- 83%
Charlie Crist (Blue Dog-FL)- 83%
Alcee Hastings (FL)- 83%
Josh Gottheimer (Blue Dog-NJ)- 83%
Jim Clyburn (SC)- 84%
Al Green (TX)- 84%
26 Democrats with scores below 85! Actually there are more, but I didn't include incumbents who aren't running again in November. So why did I enclose the list? The DCCC is making a big "lesser of two evils" push, trying to persuade progressives to support their corporate candidates. I just want you to see what you get when you back DCCC candidates from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. Some stand with the NRA. Many stand with Wall Street against working families. Some are anti-Choice. Some are anti-gay. (Even the head of the DCCC, Ben Ray Lujan, is a mentally ill self-loathing closet case who shouldn't be running the DCCC but spending his time seeing a psychiatrist and figuring out why, in 2018 a Democrat has to pretend he isn't gay.)

There aren't many Republicans with flat-out ZERO scores... but there are some, like 6 sociopaths from Georgia-- Karen Handel, Buddy Carter , Drew Ferguson, Jody Hice, Barry Loudermilk and Rick Allen-- as well as 20 others, including Liz Cheney (WY), Glenn Grothman (WI), Brian Babin (TX), Mark Walker (NC), Jason Lewis (MN), Ron Estes (KS) and Francis Rooney (FL).

Anti-environment extremist Virginia Foxx had a ZERO for this cycle-- a 3% for her whole lifetime in Congress. Jenny Marshall is using Foxx's voting record to help her explain to North Carolina voters why Foxx is a bad choice for them. Yesterday she sent out an e-mail to voters in northwest North Carolina, from Kernersville, Winston-Salem and Clemmons to Mount Airy, Boone and Newland.
Virginia Foxx just got graded on her environmental policy record, and the results are BAD.

For the 3rd year in a row, Rep. Foxx has scored a resounding 0% on the League of Conservation Voters' Environmental Scorecard, which grades U.S. House and Senate members on their pro-environment policies.

Foxx's complete failure of this critical test means she's voted no on every single piece of pro-environment legislation that's come her way. In 2017 alone, she's voted to slash EPA funding, attack protections on our natural resources, and even decided to vote against the Stream Protection Rule which protects rural North Carolinians from dirty, toxic water.

The 5th District needs a candidate who will fight for the environment as well as the health and safety of families who depend on it. Virginia Foxx is not that candidate.
Goal ThermometerYou may have noticed that one of the handful of Republicans with a ZERO lifetime grade on the League of Conservation scorecard was Kansas congressman Ron Estes. Wichita deserves better. And the Democrat taking Estes on this year is James Thompson-- who is offering better-- a lot better. "I am truly disappointed to see Representative Ron Estes was one of only a few members of Congress to received a zero lifetime score from The League of Conservation Voters today," he told us yesterday. "This world is the only home we have, and finding solutions to our climate crises should not be controversial, but seen as a huge economic opportunity for Kansas. Farmers are the original conservationists and have led the way in Kansas and the country. It’s a shame that Rep Estes hasn’t taken the lead on this issue in the House. A true leader would have recognized Kansans can and must encourage conservation and investment in renewable energy like Kansas wind power. This will not only decrease our dependence on foreign oil, but create non-exportable jobs here in Kansas. Wind energy has massive economic potential for our state and region. Kansas can be a global leader in this field-- too bad Rep Estes either doesn’t see this or just doesn’t care."


  1. Anonymous4:57 AM

    I wish it were possible to send all of these "representatives" to Donora, PA on Halloween 1948, except in a "Groundhog's Day" loop as in the movie. We'll find out just how well they like breathing smog.

  2. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Given that obamanation bent over for big oil AND presided over the gulf gusher, I'd say you should just mention what the PARTY has done.

    Obamanation opened up offshore drilling, then a brief moratorium after the gusher, then opened it back up after America forgot about the gusher.

  3. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Okay! so what do I do? I live in AZ-9.Sinema will demolish the centrist primary candidate for U.S. Senate.Arpaio will battle /w Ward for the G.O.P. seat in the primary.Blue dog Greg Stanton current PHX mayor will grab her (Sinema) seat. Went to a 'Garden Party. learned my lesson well.... voted for Stein! Early Zonie 9 prediction: Stanton gets AZ-9, Ward (and the well oiled politico machine) get the Senate bid. So much for the 'blue wave' here in AZ! Oh, we have vote by mail, no daylight saving time and a fair congressional drawn map for the house. Oh boy!

  4. Anonymous6:12 AM

    11:00, you cannot fix stupid. AZ is next to OK which is next to TX which is next to... UT is in there somewhere too.

    Actually, it's probably just simpler to note that AZ is in America. And americans are just dumber than monkey shit.

    If I lived in AZ, I'd be planning my escape. They'll have CapeTown type water issues pretty soon.

    wrt the environment; when fish, birds, air, rivers, forests and oceans start contributing to democraps, they'll start caring. Until then... you gets what you pays for.

    1. Anonymous7:06 AM

      As consistently dour and insulting as you are apathetic. Every post!

  5. Anonymous1:28 PM

    If I were apathetic, I wouldn't bother posting.

    And as for dour... anyone who isn't dour isn't paying attention.

    And how can one look at what americans regularly do over the past 40 years and not insult them (us/US) for it? What, you think stupid and evil should be COMPLIMENTED?
