Sara Jacobs, the self-entitled heiress to the Qualcomm fortune, suddenly showed up in southern California a few weeks ago and declared what the race-- and Congress-- needs is another self-finding multimillionaire. And there's already a completely pointless multimillionaire in that race, Paul Kerr, a crony of one of California's worst (and richest) members, Scott Peters, who persuaded him to run. This is a district where the incredible grassroots work by Doug Applegate and his team last year exposed how weak Darrell Issa is-- and nearly beat him. The final vote wasn't declared 'til January-- last in the nation-- and Issa squeaked through 155,888 (50.3%) to 154,267 (49.7%). So Applegate announced he would finish what he started in 2016. But a vile gaggle of predatory super-rich scumbags, like Peters, started telling their friends it would be easy to roll over Applegate and then let the wave sweep them to victory against Issa with no real effort. Worst of all is Pelosi crony Ira Lechner, a failed Virginia political hack who persuaded one of his pals, Mike Levin-- who never lifted a finger against Issa previously-- to jump in, promising him that a thuggish political operative in Pasasda, Park Skelton, could "deliver" Pelosi and force Applegate out of the race. None of these people were in the Marines and don't understand that you don't "roll over" or "force" a Marine colonel, which is what today's frontrunner, Doug Applegate, is. So now, you have a totally spoiled heiress-- another one who has absolutely nothing to do with the district and until a few weeks ago was still living in Brooklyn with a bunch of hipsters-- jumping in too. Consultants are getting incredibly rich over the Southern California cash cows they're milking for all they're worth. And, of course, the vultures at EMILY's List are drooling. A few days ago San Diego Union-Tribune reporter Joshua Stewart took a closer look at the heiress and all her self-serving bogus claims. "Two years ago," he wrote, "Sara Jacobs, a Democrat who is now running for Congress, was turned down for a job working for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign-- that is, until a political fundraiser intervened on her behalf. The granddaughter of Qualcomm co-founder, billionaire philanthropist and major campaign donor Irwin Jacobs, Sara Jacobs wanted an unpaid position on Clinton’s policy team. Months passed without receiving a promising word from Clinton’s people, let alone getting a job. Then Mary Pat Bonner, one of the most prolific Democratic fundraisers in the history of elections, began lobbying top officials in the Clinton campaign to get Jacobs a job."
“I know I will be seeing you soon. Can I grab a couple minutes to talk about Sara Jacobs?” Bonner wrote in an April 14, 2015, email to John Podesta, the chairman of Clinton’s campaign. Jacobs later began working for the campaign as a foreign policy adviser-- a post for which Podesta says she was well qualified.She began interning for the campaign in November 2015 and although she was never paid, she didn't need the money because... well heiresses don't need money. Now she's trying to use her "experience" as an intern-- something given to her because of her family connections and their financial leverage-- to insert herself into the congressional race, potentially making it possible for Darrell Issa to keep his seat and flushing all the work Doug Applegate and his volunteer grassroots army has been doing for 3 years. But, heiresses don't have to worry about things like that... or about anything at all. All kinds of Hillary people are pushing her for another job she's not remotely qualified to do. And, like I said, EMILY's List is positively drooling about the one and only thing they care about: lining their own pockets.
Bonner’s efforts on behalf of Jacobs are contained in a series of emails published by Wikileaks as a result of Russian hacking in last year’s election. The San Diego Union-Tribune found the emails in a routine check of Wikileaks for backgrounding of political candidates.
Jacobs, 28, earlier this month entered the race against Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Vista. Three other Democrats-- Doug Applegate, Mike Levin and Paul Kerr-- were already campaigning to represent a coastal district that runs from La Jolla to Dana Point.
It’s unclear how Bonner knew Jacobs, or was in a position to vouch for her abilities. Bonner did not return a request for comment.
Federal Election Commission records show that Bonner raised money for political committees that received large contributions from Jacobs’ grandparents, Irwin and Joan Jacobs. They gave a combined $400,000 to American Bridge 21st Century, plus another $50,000 to Ready for Hillary while Bonner raised money for those groups.
In 2012 Irwin Jacobs also gave $2 million to Priorities USA Action, which includes Bonner’s associate David Brock on its board. Priorities USA initially supported President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign, and later backed Clinton.
On April 15, one day after Bonner wrote to Podesta, Jacobs wrote to Clinton’s chairman herself.
“I just spoke to Mary Pat Bonner, who let me know that I should send you my resume, which is attached. As I believe she told you, I'm very interested in working in the policy office of the campaign. Thank you so much for helping me with this, I really appreciate it,” Jacobs wrote.
Jacobs’ campaign provided a statement from Podesta attacking Wikileaks as an instrument of Russia.
"Before coming to our campaign, Sara Jacobs had already done excellent policy work at the United Nations and at the State Department, and she is well qualified and would make an excellent member of Congress,” Podesta said in the statement.
In addition to three internships, Jacobs had approximately 28 months of professional experience at the time, including a position with United Nations, UNICEF, and as a contractor working in the State Department. While a contractor, she provided support for “policy shaping and strategy support,” her resume says.
Jacobs also earned a master’s degree in international affairs from Columbia University and interned on Barack Obama’s re-election campaign finance team.
Bonner’s April 2015 email about Jacobs was not her last. In a June 16 email with “Sara Jacobs” as the subject line, Bonner asked Anne O’Leary, Clinton’s health and education adviser, if they could talk.
Two weeks later, Bonner wrote to O’Leary, “Hi there-- just checking back in on this. Sara said she hasn't heard from anyone yet. She is happy to start out in an unpaid position if you all are not making staff hires yet. Please let me know if there is anything we can do on our end,” Bonner wrote.
O’Leary replied, “I did try hard to run this through the process, but there is a hard line that we are not accept (sic) unpaid positions and we don't have any paid positions available on the policy team. I will certainly let you know if something changes.”
After receiving the rejection from O’Leary, Bonner once again reached out to Podesta.
“I just wanted to follow-up again on Sara Jacobs. I have attached her resume here and I am also attaching an email from Ann O'Leary who was working on this as well, but as we discussed, I don't think this will get done without your help. Thanks so much for all you are doing to help on this,” Bonner said in a July 30 email.
Wikileaks does not include any additional correspondence between Bonner and members of Clinton’s campaign about Jacobs after July 30.
Very interesting and informative post. I met Sara today at a Democratic club meeting. Tonight I saw a post where she was upset about something to do with WikiLeaks. Now I understand. Thanks.