Trumpf's newfound inevitability after Tuesday night-- he is now the presumptive Republican nominee-- makes two really vile political figures-- insiders and corporate shills Paul Ryan (the brokered convention candidate) and Hillary Clinton (the ultimate Wall Street/K Street establishment candidate) suddenly seem almost palatable in comparison. Jess McIntosh, propagandist for EMILY's List-- which has bundled more money-- $239,460-- for Hillary campaign committee (no, not the SuperPACs) than any other entity other than John Morgan's personal injury law firm in Orlando, wrote an e-mail the other day asserting that "If Trump's the GOP nominee, Hillary is the only person who can stop him." She offered no proof and nothing to back up this oft repeated claim by low-info Hillary supporters. It's a claim that has been refuted by every single poll doing match-ups of general election candidates for the past 6 months-- polls Jess McIntosh is well aware of. This is a relatively new one from a few days ago by Quinnipiac. It actually shows Hillary losing to Cruz, Jeb and Rubio and beating Trump by 1 point. At least she managed to beat him. The same poll, though, shows Bernie, who beats Cruz, Jeb and Rubio, also beats Trump, but by 6 points, not one.
How could that be? Democrats generally like Hillary, especially women Democrats. So she has a very good chance to win the Democratic nomination. With the entire Democratic establishment pushing for her-- even willing to cheat for her-- she's the likely nominee. But 44 % of American voters consider themselves independents. Independents do not like her or trust her and do not want to vote for her. If her two raisons d'ĂȘtre-- it's a woman's turn and lesser-of-two-evils-- fail... it's Herr President Trumpf (President Herr Trumpf?). Tuesday, Nathan Robinson, writing for Current Affairs asserted the opposite of what Jess McIntosh asserted, namely that unless the Democrats run Bernie, Trumpf will be el presidente. Unlike McIntosh though, he makes the case. If EMILY's List really cared about protecting women's choice-- they have proven again and again that they don't (most recently in the TX-15 congressional race where they endorsed an anti-Choice conservative woman, Dolly Elizondo, over the adamantly pro-choice, progressive male, Sonny Palacios)-- they would drop Hillary like a hot potato and start working as hard as they could for "honorary woman" Bernie Sanders. "If Democrats honestly believe," he wrote, "as they say they do, that Trump poses a serious threat to the wellbeing of the country and the lives of minority citizens, that means doing everything possible to keep him out of office. To do that will require them to very quickly unite around a single goal, albeit a counterintuitive one: they must make absolutely sure that Bernie Sanders is the Democratic nominee for President."
Bernie, on the other hand, "scores highest of all candidates among voters for favorability, honesty and integrity, caring about your needs, and sharing your values... [H]e easily beats Trump in hypothetical presidential matchups, 48 to 42%."
How could that be? Democrats generally like Hillary, especially women Democrats. So she has a very good chance to win the Democratic nomination. With the entire Democratic establishment pushing for her-- even willing to cheat for her-- she's the likely nominee. But 44 % of American voters consider themselves independents. Independents do not like her or trust her and do not want to vote for her. If her two raisons d'ĂȘtre-- it's a woman's turn and lesser-of-two-evils-- fail... it's Herr President Trumpf (President Herr Trumpf?). Tuesday, Nathan Robinson, writing for Current Affairs asserted the opposite of what Jess McIntosh asserted, namely that unless the Democrats run Bernie, Trumpf will be el presidente. Unlike McIntosh though, he makes the case. If EMILY's List really cared about protecting women's choice-- they have proven again and again that they don't (most recently in the TX-15 congressional race where they endorsed an anti-Choice conservative woman, Dolly Elizondo, over the adamantly pro-choice, progressive male, Sonny Palacios)-- they would drop Hillary like a hot potato and start working as hard as they could for "honorary woman" Bernie Sanders. "If Democrats honestly believe," he wrote, "as they say they do, that Trump poses a serious threat to the wellbeing of the country and the lives of minority citizens, that means doing everything possible to keep him out of office. To do that will require them to very quickly unite around a single goal, albeit a counterintuitive one: they must make absolutely sure that Bernie Sanders is the Democratic nominee for President."
The electability question should be at the center of the Democratic primary. After all, elections are about winning, and high-minded liberal principles mean nothing if one has no chance of actually triumphing in a general election. Hillary Clinton has been right to emphasize that the pragmatic achievement of goals should be the central concern of a presidential candidate, and that Bernie Sanders’s supporters often behave as if this is immaterial.
Instinctively, Hillary Clinton has long seemed by far the more electable of the two Democratic candidates. She is, after all, an experienced, pragmatic moderate, whereas Sanders is a raving, arm-flapping elderly Jewish socialist from Vermont. Clinton is simply closer to the American mainstream, thus she is more attractive to a broader swath of voters. Sanders campaigners have grown used to hearing the heavy-hearted lament “I like Bernie, I just don’t think he can win.” And in typical previous American elections, this would be perfectly accurate.
But this is far from a typical previous American election. And recently, everything about the electability calculus has changed, due to one simple fact: Donald Trump is likely to be the Republican nominee for President. Given this reality, every Democratic strategic question must operate not on the basis of abstract electability against a hypothetical candidate, but specific electability against the actual Republican nominee, Donald Trump.
Here, a Clinton match-up is highly likely to be an unmitigated electoral disaster, whereas a Sanders candidacy stands a far better chance. Every one of Clinton’s (considerable) weaknesses plays to every one of Trump’s strengths, whereas every one of Trump’s (few) weaknesses plays to every one of Sanders’s strengths. From a purely pragmatic standpoint, running Clinton against Trump is a disastrous, suicidal proposition.
Sanders supporters have lately been arguing that their candidate is more electable than people think, and they have some support from the available polling. In a number of hypotheticals, Sanders does better than Clinton at beating Trump, and his “unfavorable” ratings among voters are a good deal lower than Clinton’s. In response to this, however, Clinton supporters insist that polling at this stage means very little, and since Bernie is not well known and there has not been a national attack campaign directed at him from the right yet, his supporters do not account for the drop in support that will occur when voters realize he is on the fringes. Imagine, they say, how viciously the right will attack Sanders’s liberal record.
...Trump’s political dominance is highly dependent on his idiosyncratic, audacious method of campaigning. He deals almost entirely in amusing, outrageous, below-the-belt personal attacks, and is skilled at turning public discussions away from the issues and toward personalities (He/she’s a “loser,” “phony,” “nervous,” “hypocrite,” “incompetent.”) If Trump does have to speak about the issues, he makes himself sound foolish, because he doesn’t know very much. Thus he requires the media not to ask him difficult questions, and depends on his opponents’ having personal weaknesses and scandals that he can merrily, mercilessly exploit.
This campaigning style makes Hillary Clinton Donald Trump’s dream opponent. She gives him an endless amount to work with. The emails, Benghazi, Whitewater, Iraq, the Lewinsky scandal, Chinagate, Travelgate, the missing law firm records, Jeffrey Epstein, Kissinger, Marc Rich, Haiti, Clinton Foundation tax errors, Clinton Foundation conflicts of interest, “We were broke when we left the White House,” Goldman Sachs… There is enough material in Hillary Clinton’s background for Donald Trump to run with six times over.
The defense offered by Clinton supporters is that none of these issues actually amount to anything once you look at them carefully. But this is completely irrelevant; all that matters is the fodder they would provide for the Trump machine. Who is going to be looking carefully? In the time you spend trying to clear up the basic facts of Whitewater, Trump will have made five more allegations.
Even a skilled campaigner would have a very difficult time parrying such endless attacks by Trump. Even the best campaigner would find it impossible to draw attention back to actual substantive policy issues, and would spend their every moment on the defensive. But Hillary Clinton is neither the best campaigner nor even a skilled one. In fact, she is a dreadful campaigner. She may be a skilled policymaker, but on the campaign trail she makes constant missteps and never realizes things have gone wrong until it’s too late.
Everyone knows this. Even among Democratic party operatives, she’s acknowledged as “awkward and uninspiring on the stump,” carrying “Bill’s baggage with none of Bill’s warmth.” New York magazine described her “failing to demonstrate the most elementary political skills, much less those learned at Toastmasters or Dale Carnegie.” Last year the White House was panicking at her levels of electoral incompetence, her questionable decisionmaking, and her inclination for taking sleazy shortcuts. More recently, noting Sanders’s catch-up in the polls, the Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin said that she was a “rotten candidate” whose attacks on Sanders made no sense, and that “at some point, you cannot blame the national mood or a poor staff or a brilliant opponent for Hillary Clinton’s campaign woes.” Yet in a race against Trump, Hillary will be handicapped not only by her feeble campaigning skills, but the fact that she will have a sour national mood, a poor staff, and a brilliant opponent.
Every Democrat should take some time to fairly, dispassionately examine Clinton’s track record as a campaigner. Study how the ‘08 campaign was handled, and how this one has gone. Assess her strengths and weaknesses with as little bias or prejudice as possible. Then picture the race against Trump, and think about how it will unfold.
It’s easy to see that Trump has every single advantage. Because the Republican primary will be over, he can come at her from both right and left as he pleases. As the candidate who thundered against the Iraq War at the Republican debate, he can taunt Clinton over her support for it. He will paint her as a member of the corrupt political establishment, and will even offer proof: “Well, I know you can buy politicians, because I bought Senator Clinton. I gave her money, she came to my wedding.” He can make it appear that Hillary Clinton can be bought, that he can’t, and that he is in charge. It’s also hard to defend against, because it appears to be partly true. Any denial looks like a lie, thus making Hillary’s situation look even worse. And then, when she stumbles, he will mock her as incompetent.
Charges of misogyny against Trump won’t work. He is going to fill the press with the rape and harassment allegations against Bill Clinton and Hillary’s role in discrediting the victims (something that made even Lena Dunham deeply queasy.) He can always remind people that Hillary Clinton referred to Monica Lewinsky as a “narcissistic loony toon.” Furthermore, since Trump is not an anti-Planned Parenthood zealot (being the only one willing to stick up for women’s health in a room full of Republicans), it will be hard for Clinton to paint him as the usual anti-feminist right-winger.
Trump will capitalize on his reputation as a truth-teller, and be vicious about both Clinton’s sudden changes of position (e.g. the switch on gay marriage, plus the affected economic populism of her run against Sanders) and her perceived dishonesty. One can already imagine the monologue:
“She lies so much. Everything she says is a lie. I’ve never seen someone who lies so much in my life. Let me tell you three lies she’s told. She made up a story about how she was ducking sniper fire! There was no sniper fire. She made it up! How do you forget a thing like that? She said she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, the guy who climbed Mount Everest. He hadn’t even climbed it when she was born! Total lie! She lied about the emails, of course, as we all know, and is probably going to be indicted. You know she said there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq! It was a lie! Thousands of American soldiers are dead because of her. Not only does she lie, her lies kill people. That’s four lies, I said I’d give you three. You can’t even count them. You want to go on PolitiFact, see how many lies she has? It takes you an hour to read them all! In fact, they ask her, she doesn’t even say she hasn’t lied. They asked her straight up, she says she usually tries to tell the truth! Ooooh, she tries! Come on! This is a person, every single word out of her mouth is a lie. Nobody trusts her. Check the polls, nobody trusts her. Yuge liar.”Where does she even begin to respond to this? Some of it’s true, some of it isn’t, but the more she tries to defensively parse it (“There’s been no suggestion I’m going to be indicted! And I didn’t say I usually tried to tell the truth, I said I always tried and usually succeeded”) the deeper she sinks into the hole.
Trump will bob, weave, jab, and hook. He won’t let up. And because Clinton actually has lied, and actually did vote for the Iraq War, and actually is hyper-cosy with Wall Street, and actually does change her positions based on expediency, all she can do is issue further implausible denials, which will further embolden Trump. Nor does she have a single offensive weapon at her disposal, since every legitimate criticism of Trump’s background (inconsistent political positions, shady financial dealings, pattern of deception) is equally applicable to Clinton, and he knows how to make such things slide off him, whereas she does not.
The whole Clinton campaign has been unraveling from its inception. It fell apart completely in 2008, and has barely held together against the longest of long shot candidates. No matter how likely she may be to win the primary, things do not bode well for a general election, whomever the nominee may be. As H.A. Goodman put it at Salon:
Please name the last person to win the presidency alongside an ongoing FBI investigation, negative favorability ratings, questions about character linked to continual flip-flops, a dubious money trail of donors, and the genuine contempt of the rival political party.The “contempt” bit of this is obviously silly; we all know levels of contempt have reached their world-historic high point in the Republican attitude toward Obama. But the rest is true: it’s incredibly hard to run somebody very few people like and expect to win. With the jocular, shrewd Donald Trump as an opponent, that holds true a million times over.
Nor are the demographics going to be as favorable to Clinton as she thinks. Trump’s populism will have huge resonance among the white working class in both red and blue states; he might even peel away her black support. And Trump has already proven false the prediction that he would alienate Evangelicals through his vulgarity and his self-deification. Democrats are insistently repeating their belief that a Trump nomination will mobilize liberals to head to the polls like never before, but with nobody particularly enthusiastic for Clinton’s candidacy, it’s not implausible that a large number of people will find both options so unappealing that they stay home.
A Clinton/Trump match should therefore not just worry Democrats. It should terrify them. They should be doing everything possible to avoid it. A Trump/Sanders contest, however, looks very different indeed.
Trump’s various unique methods of attack would instantly be made far less useful in a run against Sanders. All of the most personal charges (untrustworthiness, corruption, rank hypocrisy) are much more difficult to make stick. The rich history of dubious business dealings is nonexistent. None of the sleaze in which Trump traffics can be found clinging to Bernie. Trump’s standup routine just has much less obvious personal material to work with. Sanders is a fairly transparent guy; he likes the social safety net, he doesn’t like oligarchy, he’s a workaholic who sometimes takes a break to play basketball, and that’s pretty much all there is to it. Contrast that with the above-noted list of juicy Clinton tidbits.
Trump can’t clown around nearly as much at a debate with Sanders, for the simple reason that Sanders is dead set on keeping every conversation about the plight of America’s poor under the present economic system. If Trump tells jokes and goofs off here, he looks as if he’s belittling poor people, not a magnificent idea for an Ivy League trust fund billionaire running against a working class public servant and veteran of the Civil Rights movement. Instead, Trump will be forced to do what Hillary Clinton has been forced to do during the primary, namely to make himself sound as much like Bernie Sanders as possible. For Trump, having to get serious and take the Trump Show off the air will be devastating to his unique charismatic appeal.
Against Trump, Bernie can play the same “experience” card that Hillary plays. After all, while Sanders may look like a policy amateur next to Clinton, next to Trump he looks positively statesmanlike. Sanders can point to his successful mayoralty and long history as Congress’s “Amendment King” as evidence of his administrative bona fides. And Sanders’s lack of foreign policy knowledge won’t hurt him when facing someone with even less. Sanders will be enough of an outsider for Trump’s populist anti-Washington appeal to be powerless, but enough of an insider to appear an experienced hand at governance.
Trump is an attention-craving parasite, and such creatures are powerful only when indulged and paid attention to. Clinton will be forced to pay attention to Trump because of his constant evocation of her scandals. She will attempt to go after him. She will, in other words, feed the troll. Sanders, by contrast, will almost certainly behave as if Trump isn’t even there. He is unlikely to rise to Trump’s bait, because Sanders doesn’t even care to listen to anything that’s not about saving social security or the disappearing middle class. He will almost certainly seem as if he barely knows who Trump is. Sanders’s commercials will be similar to those he has run in the primary, featuring uplifting images of America, aspirational sentiments about what we can be together, and moving testimonies from ordinary Americans. Putting such genuine dignity and good feeling against Trump’s race-baiting clownishness will be like finally pouring water on the Wicked Witch. Hillary Clinton cannot do this; with her, the campaign will inevitably descend into the gutter, and the unstoppable bloated Trump menace will continue to grow ever larger.Robert Borosage seems certain Trumpf will never be president no matter who the Democrats nominate and counts on data from a new Quinnipiac poll to back him up. Herr Trumpf is viewed unfavorably by 57% of voters (60% of women, 69% of Hispanics, 73% of young voters and 80% of blacks) and favorably by only 37%-- the same percentage that view him as honest and trustworthy. On top of that, more than 20% of Republicans say they would definitely not support Trump in the general election.
Sanders is thus an almost perfect secret weapon against Trump. He can pull off the only maneuver that is capable of neutralizing Trump: ignoring him and actually keeping the focus on the issues. Further, Sanders will have the advantage of an enthusiastic army of young volunteers, who will be strongly dedicated to the mission of stalling Trump’s quest for the presidency. The Sanders team is extremely technically skilled; everything from their television commercials to their rally organizing to their inspired teasing is pulled off well. The Sanders team is slick and adaptable, the Clinton team is ropey and fumbling.
There’s only one real way to attack Bernie Sanders, and we all know it: he’s a socialist fantasist out of touch with the Realities of Economics. But Trump in the worst possible position to make this criticism. Economists have savaged Trump’s own proposals as sheer lunacy, using every word deployed against Bernie and then some. And while from a D.C. policy veteran like Clinton, charges of a failure to understand how political decisionmaking works may sound reasonable, Sanders is a successful legislator who has run a city; the host of The Apprentice may have a more difficult time portraying a long-serving congressman as being unfamiliar with how Washington works.
Of course, the American people are still jittery about socialism. But they’re less jittery than they used to be, and Bernie does a good job portraying socialism as being about little more than paid family leave and sick days (a debatable proposition, but one beside the point.) His policies are popular and appeal to the prevailing national sentiment. It’s a risk, certainly. But the Soviet Union bogeyman is long gone, and everyone gets called a socialist these days no matter what their politics. It’s possible that swing voters dislike socialism more than they dislike Hillary Clinton, but in a time of economic discontent one probably shouldn’t bet on it.
...Donald Trump is one of the most formidable opponents in the history of American politics. He is sharp, shameless, and likable. If he is going to be the nominee, Democrats need to think very seriously about how to defeat him. If they don’t, he will be the President of the United States, which will have disastrous repercussions for religious and racial minorities and likely for everyone else, too. Democrats should consider carefully how a Trump/Clinton matchup would develop, and how a Trump/Sanders matchup would. For their sake, hopefully they will realize that the only way to prevent a Trump presidency is the nomination of Bernie Sanders.
Bernie, on the other hand, "scores highest of all candidates among voters for favorability, honesty and integrity, caring about your needs, and sharing your values... [H]e easily beats Trump in hypothetical presidential matchups, 48 to 42%."
Donald Trump is not going to be president. There’s only one problem. The best known Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, polls nearly as bad as Trump does. Fifty-eight percent of voters view her unfavorably. Only 39 percent think she shares their values (Sanders gets 50 percent). Only 42 percent think she cares about their needs and problems (Sanders 61 percent). Worse, only 30 percent think she is honest and trustworthy (compare Sanders at 68 percent, even Trump at 37 percent). She’s maintained an edge among the rising American electorate-- women, the young, blacks and Hispanics. She loses men by double digits. In the hypothetical matchup, she and Trump essentially tie (44-43 percent Trump).OK, let's make sure the next president is Bernie and that he has some allies in Congress. Click the magic thermometer:
...If Sanders is nominated, Trump will scorn him as a “red,” backed by a billion in ads. But Sanders’ clear integrity and independence will trump Trump’s populist pose. He’ll compete with Trump for white working-class men, the “Reagan Democrats.” And he’ll enjoy wild energy from young voters as well as overwhelming margins from the voters Trump insults.
Clinton would highlight Trump’s lack on even elementary policy knowledge and experience. Trump would savage her ties to Wall Street, the corruptions of the Clinton Foundation, Iraq, Libya, Syria and more. The resulting campaign will be ugly, negative and turn many off. Clinton will have a difficult time getting the Obama majority out to vote. In the end, however, Trump will help; his bigotry and sexism have alienated far too many. Donald Trump will not be president of the United States.
She is without a doubt Team Establishment all the way. Let's vote for Team Democracy aka Bernie Sanders. #FeelTheBern
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what the rules are for a female politician (and I don't think I'm being sexist, I am a female.) For a male politician it would be getting caught with a dead girl or a live boy. If a female politician was caught with a live girl, well that would probably just win over the male Republican vote. If she was caught with a dead boy? I don't know...
ReplyDeleteUnder investigation by the FBI? Aren't we all? I don't think they could find their own hands if they were in their pockets. What? Where? Oh, here they are.
And the Spike Lee commercial is great except....the music. Who picked that? Him or Bernie? No offense Senator Sanders but at least check out Glen Hansard's "Step out of the Shadows", it should be your theme song.