Nick'n'Nancy-- write your own caption
-by Nick RuizThe working class embodies a huge swath of people. Poor people, rich people, people between. That's because the working class is not a number: $0-25K per year, $250K per year, $25 million per year, etc...no, instead, the 'working class'-- is a sensibility. It's a conscience, and a human one at that.
One thing is for certain, the New American Left will come from the working class-- or it will not come at all.
The Democratic Party claims to stand for the working class. So do most progressive candidates and progressive organizations. Even the Republicans claim to stand for the working class! See Mitt Romney's new banner ad-- "More Take-Home Pay!" Vote Romney/Ryan!
Yeah, sure. The ad appeals to the working class crowd, with it's working class language and blue collar sentiment. It's also complete bullshit, coming from the most potentially tyrannical Republican ticket in modern history. Connie Mack IV (R-FL), also tapped the same sentiment by having Lynyrd Skynyrd play a benefit in Tampa this week, along with other acts, like Kid Rock, Trace Adkins, who are/were scheduled to play the RNC convention. Some acts were canceled I believe, due to Hurricane Issac.
Now, I like all kinds of music, including Lynyrd Skynyrd-- but their politics are ass-backward, and they are totally selling out the working class, by agreeing to appear at an event like the RNC convention, and lulling people into thinking that the Republicans will do anything other than threaten the working class' very existence. But the list of musical geniuses who are political idiots is long and varied, no?
But so much for the Republicans.
The point for us here and now, is to discuss where we've been, and possibly going. Liberals and progressives. The greatest problem I see that we face is that the Democratic 'territory' has been defined by a false map. A map, which is only ever that, a guide, and specifically, not what is real or possible. After all, it's just a map. If a culture cannot see past its map, however useful it may be at times-- we are doomed. Because the map installs a false limit on what is possible.
The liberal and progressive map is littered with the detritus of past failures. It's piled so high, that it's become part of the map, which consultants, candidates and organizations follow. Look at all the failed progressive candidates this cycle. Think of all the money spent. Here is the number one reason progressives haven't gotten anywhere in fifty years: their comfort level is way too high, their presentations way too canned, and their
primadonna sensibilities far too bourgeois.
Consider some real examples of people who proceeded in politics without the false example and assurance of a ready-made, primadonna victory map. FDR. MLK. Gandhi. And whether you agree or not, with the decisions and practices some of these examples represent-- one cannot argue against the fact that these people heralded epic changes.
Without a map. In fact, in spite of the map, for its falsity and limitations.
In my race for Congress-- we were essentially shunned by the establishment's map. Meaning, there was zero support for my campaign from the progressive and Democratic cronies, despite the fact, that I was easily one of the best liberal and progressive candidates running this cycle.
Instead, the liberal cronies and progressive cartels went to parties, and sat on their 'maps.' Nonetheless, we did relatively well, especially considering my crystal clear, unapologetically liberal and progressive campaign. Make no bones about it-- with Blue America's help, the people who voted for me, knew exactly what they were voting for, and they were excited about the liberal and progressive representation they knew I would provide-- all 8,188 of them. We only needed an additional 2,365 votes to win. Considering that the voter turnout was at a record low, comprised of a tsunami of mass media driven, stick in the mud, conservative elderly votes-- we did quite well. But don't misunderstand, because I certainly will not stereotype-- many of our most dedicated supporters
were seniors-- but as a demographic voting block, many of them are easily swayed by Anglo names, and well-scrubbed Tea Party faces and talking points. Which means, we'll have to work a little bit harder than average to reach more people. Never forget-- it is a numbers game, as much as anything else. And with a tiny bit of help from the so-called 'liberal' cronies and 'progressive' cartels, and the 'Democratic' establishment, we would
easily have won. But that is history, now. We'll run again in 2014-- not out of a primadonna ego trip, or anything at all banal, but simply because I feel its necessary to help guide our country, indeed, our civilization, and I want to help with that in any way I can; and the people want me to as well.
But the issue of liberal and progressive fear and ineptitude will have to be addressed if we are ever to succeed collectively as a legislative force. We cannot afford to leave anyone behind. Especially, those that would best spearhead liberal and progressive intervention.
The New American Left is still in the making. But as long as progressive cartels and liberal cronies play interference for the Democratic establishment, which refuses to back up their working class rhetoric, with ironclad support for working class legislation, and qualified, authentic candidates - then the progressive grassroots will never see the light of day. Until this changes, true liberalism and progressivism will always be trampled under the feet of well-heeled careerists, opportunists, aspiring comedians, political cocktail circuit enthusiasts and the chamber of commerce peanut gallery. Plantation politics 101.
Amidst the Democratic and progressive pageantry of hotel conventions, conferences and meetings, there is a sense, especially among the recent grads, and newly initiated, that 'times are a changin'. They are not. And if they are, they are getting worse. Democratic corruption and unreliability, along with progressive collusion and complicity on an individual and collective level, has so emboldened and empowered the Right and their well-financed media sphere (which now extends into the purported Left and its media sphere), that a free market fascist Tea Party was born, continues to be hyper-funded, and corrodes Democratic potential every single day. Too many voters are confused and feel unengaged, unimportant and unwanted. Certainly, they know they are under-represented.
All the while, too many Democrats lie and cheat the public out of democracy and progress. They extend an olive branch in one hand to the Republican oligarchs, while they slap the faces of the working class with the other hand. The corrosion extends downward, diluting the nature of so many Democratic candidates, to the effect that no one truly knows where they stand, not even themselves, since they are so often implored, and willing, to become more Republican, as a means to being elected as a 'Democrat.' I tell you, the Democratic map is broken.
We will have to change. We cannot emerge as a liberal and progressive legislative force, without a more resolutely agile Democratic body. There is still debilitating and palpable racism, homophobia, disdain for the poor, primadonna elitism and more, within our ranks. For now, we have failed. And Republicans are filling the vacuum left by Democratic failure. In the absence of visionary leadership and inspiration, the people will accept whatever this way comes-- we've seen the worst of it in recent wars and history. The working class is counting on us. But will we continue to fail them? That is the real question.
Labels: Florida, Nick Ruiz