How Many Teabaggers Believe They Have Been Anally Probed By A Visitor From Another Planet?

Amato just called me and told me I had to read this post Digby just did about the NY Times' Teabag Nation opus. Short version: the teabaggers "are extremely negative and angry. And they really, really hate Barack Obama."
The most charitable thing to say about this is that at least some of these people are just looking for some meaning in their lives and this movement is giving it to them. (I would guess that there are a few on our side who were drawn to the progressive movement for the same reasons.) They pick the teabaggers because it's their natural tribe. It's like my sister-in-law once explained to me: "being a Democrat would be as if I were a cat having my fur rubbed backwards." So I get that.
There's nothing particularly surprising about the rest of them either. These people are nothing new. They have different iterations, but when you get right down to it they are, quite simply, the far right. They hate poor people (especially blacks) and they hate government that helps poor people (especially blacks.) They are deluded about taxes and spending and are paranoid about the government being infiltrated by "the other." They believe they are the only "true" Americans and alternate between insisting that their "traditional values" are best represented by the Bible or the Constitution, both of which they believe they are ordained by God to properly interpret. And they do not really believe in democracy which is really why they hate the government.
When they lose they stage a national hissy fit of epic proportions and persuade the Village (where they are perceived as the personification of the heartland of America) that they are something very important. Now that they have their very own TV and radio networks featuring crazed right wing demagogues 24/7, they are more successful on those terms than ever. But they are nothing new, nothing new at all. They are mostly a bunch of cranky, white men with money who are trying desperately to hang on to their privileges. Same as it ever was.
They are what we have called "Republicans" for at least the last 30 years.
And as I was reading Digby, Jacquie said I had to watch this video by Billy Bob Neck who visited the Boston Tea Party this week:
Labels: Digby, teabaggers
30 years ago, families would worry about a family member's well-being when that family member fell under the spell of some brainwashing crackpot guru and joined a cult. Now, the crackpot gurus have prime time TV shows and a whole network so there are many, many more brainwashed victims walking around like a battalion of Manson Girls in a cloud of hate and mis-information. I foresee a thriving future for the professional interventionist field! Medical schools will soon start offering tens of thousands of doctoral degrees in intervention and rehab. The need is growing so large that it may even put a huge dent in the unemployment figures and turn the economy around! Need a job? Become an interventionist! The future is wide open!
Well, Tea Party idiots notwithstanding, here are some facts for them and you on tax day.
From 1998 to 2005 two-thirds of all US corporations as well as firms doing business here paid no federal income taxes. (Source: The GAO). The IRS and The Tax Foundation reports for 2006 stated that of the 136 million returns filed, 43 million owed no federal tax. An additional 15 million were not even required to file because their income was low. In fact, 67% of heads of households paid nothing. When you add all this up, it means that about 38% of us pay no federal taxes. With breaks for the rich and corporate America, and most of the poor not paying, the burden continues to fall on the married middle class. And don't think that Congress is going to change that any time soon.
Teabaggers and the rest of us should be concerned about the loopholes that enable corporations to not pay taxes and also allow corporations to stash money offshore, out of the country. How patriotic. If Congress were to close the loopholes, it would have a very positive effect on the nation's deficit problem. Unfortunately, teabaggers and most people don't know any of this because FOX doesn't tell them. It's not part of FOX's excessive pro-corporate agenda.
Teabaggers are just being used by FOX to advance that agenda. Teabaggers are focused only on part of the tax problem. Even there, they don't know that Obama actually gave them a tax cut. Why? Because they aren't told about it by the Becks of the media world. Don't hold your breath waiting for Congress to close the loopholes. They got paid off to put them in there in the first place.
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