The Future of Cuban-American Relations And The Impact On American Politics

Aaron has his beard and so do Che & Fidel
Last Saturday Robert Farley from the Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce at the University of Kentucky hosted a Firedoglake Book Salon with Reese Erlich, who's newest book, Dateline Havana
Monday Reese and his publisher allowed me to post a portion of a chapter from Dateline Havana, are we looked at what the real aims of the U.S. wanting to "bring freedom" to Cuba. Concurrently, President Obama announced a disappointingly modest few steps towards normalizing relations with Cuba and a small gaggle of noisy wingnuts, predominantly Florida Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart, who fancies himself the future presidente of his Cuban birthplace (and the prospective, and equally right-wing, first brother, Mario) announced their opposition. This morning they were joined by two right-wing Illinois Republicans-- odd, because most farm state congressmen are pushing Obama to move further and faster-- John Shimkus, who first came to national prominence as a Mark Foley enabler, and Aaron Schock, who is Congress' youngest member and purportedly a new and improved version of the same Mark Foley.
Schock isn't just parroting role model Mark Foley's support for ideological intransigence towards Cuba; he's actually confused-- he's just a kid-- about the difference in the kinds of trade bills he's pushing to pass for Panama and Colombia (the NAFTA/CAFTA kind that exports American jobs) and what opening up normal trade relations with Cuba means-- selling the Peoria area's agricultural and manufactured products into the Cuban market.
In the past we've looked at the "special" relationship, both financial and political-- one that cuts across partisan lines-- between members of Congress and vested interests with a gigantic stake in maintaining the status quo in U.S. Cuba relations. Today we want to discuss those issues-- the Cuba-US Democracy PAC, Florida sugar interests, the corruption of Democrats like Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Democratic Senate candidate Rep. Kendrick Meek-- with Reese, Please join us in the Firedoglake comments section at 4pm (PT).
Labels: Aaron Schock, Cuba, Reese Erlich
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