Bush Justice Department Finds That Bush Justice Department Was Enagaged In Illegal Activities

Bush Regime's Monica + mentor
A few weeks ago 11 Southern California congresswomen put on a luncheon fundraiser for some of the Democratic women running for Congress from around the country. The wide ideological diversity in members and candidates couldn't have been better encapsulated by the Sánchez sisters, Loretta, the Blue Dog, and Linda, the brilliant progressive. Both are outgoing, well-spoken, inspiring and charismatic. Loretta the Blue Dog seemed to be in charge and running the show but it was Linda who got the loudest and longest applause and most of the best laugh lines. Loretta the Blue Dog wanted to make it clear how important it was to elect more people with the same anatomical plumbing as hers; Linda wanted to have Karl Rove arrested. Loretta the Blue Dog explained why more women members meant something significant-- although the candidates ranged from kick ass liberals like Darcy Burner (D-WA) and Annette Taddeo (D-FL) to Republican-lite insiders with nothing to offer but embarrassment like Christine Jennings (FL) and Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ). Linda, who was cruelly tasked with introducing Kirkpatrick by her Blue Dog sister, did the best she could with what she had to work with but harkened back to the already introduced far more impressive Ohio candidate, Vic Wulsin, actually referring to Vic's hated opponent as "Mean Jean Schmidt," somewhat belying Loretta the Blue Dog's entire plumbing argument.
Anyway, this morning Linda Sánchez, chair of the Judiciary Committee's Commercial and Administrative Law Subcommittee was joined by Judiciary Committee chairman John Conyers responded to the release of the Justice Department's report, "An Investigation of Allegations of Politicized Hiring by Monica Goodling and Other Staff in the Office of the Attorney General." In short, the investigation proves that the word "allegations" need no longer be used in discussing the case.
"Today's report describes 'systematic' violations of federal law by several former leaders of the Department of Justice," said Conyers. "Apparently, the political screening was so pervasive that even qualified Republican applicants were rejected from Department positions because they were 'not Republican enough' for Monica Goodling and others. The report also makes clear that the cost to our nation of these apparent crimes was severe, as qualified individuals were rejected for key positions in the fight against terrorism and other critical Department jobs for no reason other than political whim. The Report also indicates that Monica Goodling, Kyle Sampson, and Alberto Gonzales may have lied to the Congress about these matters. I have directed my staff to closely review this matter and to consider whether a criminal referral for perjury is needed."
"The House Judiciary Committee's investigation into the politicization of the Department of Justice has been criticized by the Minority as a fishing expedition that has caught no fish," said Sánchez. "This report, which found that Monica Goodling and many other Justice Department officials committed misconduct by violating both federal law and Department policy, adds to a growing public record that this Administration has tainted our system of justice."
The report, released today by the Office of Inspector General and the Office of Professional Responsibility found:
• Senior Bush Administration Department of Justice officials, including Monica Goodling, Kyle Sampson, Jan Williams, and others violated federal law and committed misconduct in basing hiring decisions for career prosecutor positions, details to senior Department offices and immigration judgeships on the applicant's political affiliations and views.
• The report highlighted political cronyism that was "particularly damaging" in a vital counterterrorism post when a qualified expert was rejected because his wife had the wrong political affiliation. Instead a candidate was chosen that "lacked any experience in counterterrorism issues" and who other DoJ officials believed "was not qualified for the position."
• Immigration judgeships were needlessly held vacant for long periods while Department leaders sought to identify politically suitable candidates, leading to a severe backlog of immigration matters.
• Monica Goodling also made false statements to the Department's own lawyers who were defending a lawsuit regarding Immigration Judge hiring.
• A current Department official, John Nowacki, prepared and circulated a press release responding to public concern about these issues that he knew was false at the time; the report recommends that Mr. Nowacki be disciplined.
• Monica Goodling refused to approve several DOJ appointments for an AUSA who Ms. Goodling believed was gay.
In sum, the evidence showed that Sampson, Williams, and Goodling violated federal law and Department policy, and Sampson and Goodling committed misconduct, by considering political and ideological affiliations in soliciting and selecting IJs, which are career positions protected by the civil service laws.
Not only did this process violate the law and Department policy, it also caused significant delays in appointing IJs. These delays increased the burden on the immigration courts, which already were experiencing an increased workload and a high vacancy rate. EOIR Deputy Director Ohlson repeatedly requested candidate names to address the growing number of vacancies, with little success. As a result of the delay in providing candidates, the Department was unable to timely fill the large numbers of vacant IJ positions.
We also concluded that Goodling committed misconduct when she provided inaccurate information to a Civil Division attorney who was defending a lawsuit brought by an unsuccessful IJ candidate. Goodling told the attorney that she did not take political factors into consideration in connection with IJ hiring, which was not accurate.
In addition, we concluded that Williams provided inaccurate information to us concerning her Internet research activities.
Because Goodling, Sampson, and Williams have resigned from the Department, they are no longer subject to discipline by the Department for their actions described in this report. Nevertheless, we recommend that the Department consider the findings in this report should they apply in the future for another position with the Department.
In addition, we concluded that EOUSA Deputy Director John Nowacki committed misconduct by drafting a proposed Department response to a media inquiry which he knew was inaccurate. Although Nowacki knew that Goodling had used political and ideological affiliations to assess career attorney candidates for EOUSA detail positions, he drafted a media statement in which the Department would have denied the allegations. Nowacki is still employed by the Department. Therefore, we recommend that the Department consider appropriate discipline for him based upon the evidence in this report.
More pardon prospects for George W. Bush in January. He's sure going to be busy making sure there is no accountability for 8 years of systematic and systemic gross, blatant criminality. And Gonzalez? Anyone remember him? [UPDATE: Conyers does. Are perjury charges imminent? Or just more blather and hot air?]
Labels: Department of Justice, Kyle Sampson, Linda Sánchez, Monica Goodling
Good luck getting anything more than some more "Sternly worded letters" out of Conyers on this. They won't won't even bring up Mukasey on obstruction charges. Bush better rest up his hand for January for all the pardons he's going to have to issue.
Charming group of people, I hope they get Rove.
Where is Rachel Paulose they stuffed into Minnesotas' DOJ after pushing out the very competent Thomas Heffelfinger?
Still quoting bible verses and verbally abusing DOJ employees on our tax dollar?
Monica Goodling Engaged to "Redstate" founder...
The happy couple and a comment thread you JUST DON'T WANT TO MISS!
Nothing will come of this. Nothing.
The chances of anyone being held accountable are slim and none. The Dems have no spine and see no reason to 'create a fuss' so close to the election. But then in 2006 when we became the majority and 'impeachment is off the table' mantra began, the die was cast for a totally lawless government. I hold the Dems responsible and I am donating as must money as I can to get rid of the Blue Dogs.
UPDATE: Conyers does. Are perjury charges imminent? Or just more blather and hot air?]
I'd say more blather and hot air.
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