
John McCain has proven throughout a long winding career that, if elected president he will be the dream candidate for all the worst corporate interests that have been in cahoots with the Bush Regime-- Big Oil and Gas, predatory lenders, those who want to squeeze extra pennies out of our country by shipping jobs overseas, polluters, and, most of all, the MilitaryIndustrial Complex every thoughtful American from George Washington to Dwight Eisenhower to Naomi Klein and John Cusack has warned us about. But McCain isn't talking about who he's the dream candidate for-- or pointing to the 66 lobbyists on the Double Talk Express this year. Instead he's trying to claim he'll be Hamas' worst nightmare-- just the way Bush and Cheney always claimed al-Qaeda was against them. And the claims of McCain, who has hired on Karl Rove as a political advisor-- the man who exposed his wife as a drug addict and thief in 2000-- are as patently false and pernicious as Bush's and Cheney's. And misleading. Al Qaeda would probably cease to even exist as a viable entity with Bush and Cheney. McCain, who begged radical religionist loon and bigot, John Hagee, for an endorsement, has taken to trying to separate himself from Hagee's vicious anti-Catholic, anti-gay, anti-Semitic and anti-American ravings. Now he even calls Hagee's wild and hate-filled pronouncements "nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense." When lunatics like Hagee endorse Obama-- and some do, although, unlike McCain, Obama doesn't seek their endorsements-- Obama has told them to take their endorsement somewhere else. But McCain is still trying to smear him by claiming he's somehow "the Hamas candidate." More of the same kind of Karl Rove crap Americans are sick and tired of hearing.
The real nightmare that a President John McCain who present would be for the entire world and, particularly for the American people. Obama gets that and McCain is on a rampage against him, hoping against hope that he gets a chance to run against fellow Establishment Insider Hillary Clinton. Neither Clinton nor McCain can make a credible case to personify the kind of genuine change that Americans crave after 7 years of Bush-Cheney. McCain is a one trick money; he wants war, war, war. An OpEd in today's Orlando Sun-Sentinel points out that what Americans do want-- relief from the economic crisis that McCain-supported Republican policies have caused-- are beyond McCain's grasp.
John McCain has stated that he does not understand economics, and various statements he has made certainly prove he needs to take Economics 101.
According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, which is far from being any left-leaning, anti-McCain newspaper, McCain has proposed tax cuts of over $650 billion a year, much of which would benefit the wealthy and large corporations. Much of these cuts would come from extending Bush's tax cuts, despite the fact that McCain voted against them twice, saying they mostly benefited the wealthy.
Asked how he would pay for these cuts, he has claimed that he would eliminate congressional earmarks, i.e., bridges to nowhere, and cut $160 billion a year from the discretionary budget. Where the $160 billion a year in cuts would come from, were not addressed. Once again, McCain-Omics are devoid of reality. The facts, according to The Wall Street Journal, are that total discretionary spending totals about $1 trillion a year, and the chances of a 16 percent cut are "non-existent," according to the Concord Coalition, a nonpartisan group that promotes fiscal discipline.
Labels: Hagee, Hamas, McBush, Why McCain will lose
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