
Pig-boy irrevocably answered that question himself today
When I wake up in the morning will I turn on CNN and to hear those two bran-dead robots they have reading the news in the morning chattering about how Rush Limbaugh was kicked off the air, his broadcast license revoked? Or, better yet, will I read that the FCC revoked KOA's license and will auction it off?
I was a radio dj for a good part of my life. I was always one step from saying something that would jeopardize not just my own license but the licenses of the radio stations I was broadcasting on. But I never went over the line. I think Republican Party propagandist Rush Limbaugh did today. Call me crazy but I would think calling for riots in a major American city is pretty serious stuff and maybe even the GOP's FCC should look into it... very seriously.
Talk show host Rush Limbaugh is sparking controversy again after he made comments calling for riots in Denver during the Democratic National Convention this summer.
He said the riots would ensure a Democrat is not elected as president, and his listeners have a responsibility to make sure it happens.
"Riots in Denver, the Democrat Convention would see to it that we don't elect Democrats," Limbaugh said during Wednesday's radio broadcast. He then went on to say that's the best thing that could happen to the country.
Obviously, Limbaugh is tricky enough to give himself a slick excuse for his dog whistle suggestion to his far right listeners to go make trouble. John Amato has the audio up at Crooks & Liars. Limbaugh goes on and on about his Operation Chaos plot to make sure Clinton wins the Democratic nomination and that he "dreams" that violent riots break out in Denver.
"The dream end of this is that this keeps up to the convention and we have a replay of Chicago 1968 with burning cars, protests, fires, literal riots, and all of that. That’s that’s the objective here.”
KOA is vigorously defending their star revenue source-- and not even claiming that he was on drugs or having a psychotic episode during his bizarre rant. No, they are just parsing words and trying to deny the obvious. As you can see there's an ad for Hilton on the page. I called my travel agent and asked her to make sure that under no circumstances do I wind up in a Hilton Hotel until she hears otherwise from me. I'll try to figure out who else advertises on KOA.
Limbaugh was unrepentent and still calling for riots in Denver and the Bush Regime's FCC failed to take him off the air. Denver's Mayor John Hickenlooper said, "Anyone who would call for riots in an American city has clearly lost their bearings." Hickenlooper doesn't ask the question but normal people have to wonder if Limbaugh is still on probation for drug abuse or if he's fallen off the wagon again.
Labels: Democratic Convention, Denver, FCC, Rush Limbaugh
Since Rush Limbaugh has incited Republicans to riot, I emailed the Colorado AG office encouraging him to look at bringing felony charges against Limbaugh.
If the AG doesn’t bring charges, I think the Democratic party should move the convention to another city. It’s not too late; Minneapolis is already set up for one convention. Or how about New Orleans?
Back down from a Brownshirted Pantywaist like Limbaugh? Punish Denver for something it didn't do? I think NOT! Hold the Convention as scheduled and paint the whole city BLUE with police. Anyone who gets out of line gets
frog-marched to jail. Hey, if the Republicans can do it in New York City, so can Democrats in Denver.
It's OK If You're a Repuke.
Doctor shopping, illegal purchase and consumption of drugs, incitement to riot -- only the little people get charged for such things.
Not to mention torture, aggressive war and massive corruption.
1) Free Speech
2) Entertainment talk. Not an elected offcial
3) the 1968 riots were Dems on Dems. Rush never encouraged the neo-cons to riot at the DNC.
Not a rush fan, but I do listen to what is said. If you like Rush, you agree, if you don't... Well you don't.
I would like to see some of the Dems say something Sharptons comments and his obvious racisim...
So tell me again, WHY do you pay for TV? WHY do you watch this stuff?
Don't you know if everyone across America quit financially supporting these GOONS they would go broke?
Let's wage financial war on them the way they have waged financial war on us!
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