
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Quote of the day: The end comes for Kenny Boy, but the legacy lives on—only schmucks get caught

"We believe that God in fact is in control, and indeed he does work all things for good for those who love the Lord."
—Enron founder and ex-CEO Ken Lay (who died this morning at 64), following his May 25 conviction on assorted counts of fraud and conspiracy


  1. I hadn't planned on commenting about Lay's death today. But 2 friends of mine, Matt and Cynthia, were both pretty worked up over the coverage in the mass media this morning. "Why does CNN interview some of the people whose lives he's ruined with his criminal greed?" demanded Matt. And Cynthia was asking me if his many victims will be entitled to any of the tens of millions of dollars he embezzled now that he won't need it any more.

  2. I assume that was meant to be, "Why doesn't CNN interview some of the peole whose lives he's ruined with his criminal greed?" And the answer is, "Because." Because that's not the way we do things. It would be disrespectful.

    In fact, I worried, in crafting my little notice of Kenny Boy's passing, whether I wasn't being inappropriately disprespectful on the human level. But I decided that the greater danger was disrespecting all those victims Matt and Cynthia are referring to—pretending that none of it ever happened, that our Kenny Boy just somehow got into some regrettable legal trouble there at the end.

    As to the idea of redistributing some of that ill-gotten gain to the victims of Enron, it's a great idea, but I wouldn't hold my breath.


  3. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Lay, Kenny Lay,
    Lay across your big brass bed.
    Hey, Kenny, hey,
    What use is your wealth now that you're dead?

    Whatever money you stole by your lies
    Won't help you now 'cause Kenny, each man dies

    Lay, Kenny Lay,
    Lay across your big brass bed.
    Pray, Kenny, pray,
    May God have mercy on your greedy head.

  4. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Hey gang, better wake up. We need to see the body, just like with Saddam's boys & that other one.
