George Bush's and Ann Coulter's favorite Democrat, Joe Lieberman, pulled his finger out of his ass and held it up to the wind-- with the help of the most expensive polling firms corporate dollars can buy-- and realized he has virtually no chance to win the Democratic primary August 8th against an actual Democrat, Ned Lamont. Lieberman has been assiduously serving the reactionary Republican agenda for years and is cognizant that his only chance to retain his seat is if Republicans can vote for him. He has therefore just announced that he will be requesting petitions from the Connecticut Secretary of State so that he can run as an "independent" in November. Now let's see if Chuck Schumer decides to wreck the Democratic Party. Schumer has said he will support Lieberman if he bolts the Democratic Party. Meanwhile, many Republicans have endorsed Lieberman, including Congressman Christopher Shays, who, like Lieberman, is a weak rubber stamp for Bush's catastrophic policies in the Middle East.
Updates throughout the day, a day that is probably as good a time as any to send Lieberman and Schumer a message that Democrats like primaries where we pick our candidates. Here's an effective way of doing it!
"I have loyalties that are greater than those to my party."
-Lieberman, explaining why he's running as an independent and referring to the Republicans' whose interests he has so consistently served while he made believe he was a Democrat in the Senate.
I just heard Sam Seder interviewing Tom Swann, Ned's campaign manager. One of them brought up the fact-- something I had nearly forgotten-- that when Lieberman ran for Vice-President, instead of giving up his Senate seat so a Democrat could be elected, he chose to run for senator and vice-president simultaneously, which would have meant that had Bush not stolen the election in 2000, the Republican governor of Connecticut (who hadn't been caught stealing and forced to resign by then) would have been able to appoint a Republican senator that we could have been stuck with for many years. That's Lieberman: never loyal, always out for himself, always the big hypocrite who doesn't give a damn about Connecticut.
Jane, who has taken up residence in Connecticut, is hearing that "Hillary Clinton believes that it's important to respect the will of Connecticut voters and that she will commit to support the Democratic candidate-- whoever that is-- in November." Lieberwhore says he conferred with Schumer and Reid before he made his treacherous move today. Schumer says he's sticking with Lieberman, even if it means sticking it to Connecticut Democrats. No word from Reid yet.
Finally Hillary Clinton seems to be getting some decent advice. She announced today-- in a move that will give cover to other people who take the Democratic Party seriously-- that she will support whomever wins the August 8th primary. Let's hope Chris Dodd, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama wake up. It's too late for Schumer. He's one the pod-people. Hillary's statement:
"I've known Joe Lieberman for more than thirty years. I have been pleased to support him in his campaign for re-election, and hope that he is our party's nominee.
But I want to be clear that I will support the nominee chosen by Connecticut Democrats in their primary. I believe in the Democratic Party; and I believe we must honor the decisions made by Democratic primary voters. The challenges before us in 2006 call for a strong, united party, in which we all support and work for the candidates who are selected in the Democratic process."
Great point. When I hear Lieberman I hear a man whose ego and arrogance are on full display. He is not a team player of the Democratic party. There is no I in team. Joe doesn't seem to know that.
ReplyDeleteJoe Lieberman's loyalty lies with....Joe Lieberman. If he runs as an independent, will those Democratic Senators who have expressed open support also sign on to his independent campaign? Keep it up, Howie. Lamont can win this.
ReplyDeleteHowie- thanks again for bringing Ned Lamont to my attention, and to that of many others, way back when. And, thanks for all of your efforts on behalf of true "blue" candidates. I am savoring every minute of the Lieberman meltdown. Shortly after Lamont declared his candicacy, I came to feel that THIS was really the most important political race on the political horizon, near term, and for longer term impact. Thank you again.
ReplyDeleteSkippy- that is my recollection also. That Howie introduced Ned to the... (holding off here, I don't have a great grasp of blogvocab). And, your question is a great one for Howie. I would really like to have his perspective on this.
ReplyDeleteSkippy (and Anonymous)-- thanks for the acknowledgment. Ned is coming to to the attention of more and more people because of his inspiring message and because people are realizing what a fraud Lieberman is. I was glad to be a small part of that awakening. Since retiring from Reprise I've dedicated a part of my life to participatory democracy. One of the proudest moments of this year was the day after Down With Tyranny and Firedoglake did a Jon Tester fundriaser when someone from Tester's campaign called to tell us that because of our efforts they had been able to send out an unplanned last minute mailer. I'm very very proud of the over 500 people who have contributed over $35,000 in the last couple of months to progressive candidates around the country via the DWT Act Blue Page. And I'm very proud that I could play a small part in helping progressives and grassroots Democrats defeat Inside the Beltway bosses like Rahm Emanuel in CA-11 and win the Democratic primary with Jerry McNerney. If we can beat Pombo in November, the sky's the limit for taking back our country from the corrupt forces that dominate the GOP and too much of the leadership of the Democratic Party.
ReplyDeleteI am still a little wary of Hillary, especially after her rather infamous mailings to the delegates. But hey! It's a step in the right direction.
ReplyDelete"I have loyalties that are greater than those to my party."
ReplyDelete-Lieberman, explaining why he's running as an independent
Someone should ask Lieberman if those loyalties include Chimpy and 100 of his best friends/lobbyists.
Lieberman is a despicable swine and so are the people in power falling all over themselves to pander to him.