
Monday, June 26, 2006

Quote of the day: The amazingly funny Jeff Garlin confirms that you can be a star to your fans and also a total unknown to the doorman

"That is my level of fame. People are either excited to see me or have no clue I'm even a member of the human race. I have a sense of humor about that."
—comic-actor-director Jeff Garlin (aka Jeff Greene of Curb Your Enthusiasm), after going unrecognized by the doorman at a comedy club where he would be performing the next night and also "gaped and pointed at" by people in line, from a wildly affectionate profile in yesterday's New York Times Magazine

HONORABLE MENTION—Bob Herbert takes a dim view of using war for political fun 'n' games

"If hell didn't exist, we'd have to invent it. We'd need a place to send the public officials who are playing politics with the lives of the men and women sent off to fight George W. Bush's calamitous war in Iraq."

—Bob Herbert, in his NYT column today, "Playing Politics With Iraq"

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